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Birthday Oneshot 1 of 2 

(Modern AU)


"Ah, (Y/N)! Over here!!"

Upon hearing that familiar voice, you looked up from your phone with a start, immediately scanning the busy street. Eventually, you spotted a spiky-haired boy frantically waving his arms at you.

"Gon!" You grinned, hurriedly making your way towards him.

He was standing by one of the outside tables of a cafe. When you got closer, you soon noticed the rest of the gang seated down at the table with their iced drinks. 

"Kurapika, Leorio! It's been a while!" You beamed, giving them hugs from where they were seated.

After they greeted you with their warm smiles, you then noticed a certain silver-haired boy silently sipping on his chocolate drink, a bored expression on his face.  

Your smile immediately disappeared. "Huh? What's he doing here?" You pointed a finger at him, your eyes turning into narrow slits.

Killua looked at you through the corner of his eye. "You should be asking yourself that question. You're the one who barged in on us after all," he said coolly, giving you a wry smirk as soon as he noticed your brows start to furrow tightly.

"Why, you–"

"Ah! (Y/N), why don't you take a seat first?" Gon cut you off with his cheery voice, pulling you into one of the empty seats between him and Kurapika. 

"Hmph." You complied, sitting yourself down and ignoring Killua's low chuckle. 

Leorio sighs. "Geez, why can't you two just get along already?" He asked, facepalming as he did so.

"Maybe I will if that faker learns how to wipe that smug look off his face," you scoff, crossing your arms over your chest while giving Killua a pointed glare. He merely gave you an amused smile, letting his chin rest on his palm as he watched your temper unfold once more.

"Now, now, calm down (Y/N). We don't want you getting into another fight with him," Kurapika says, gently patting you on the back.

KIllua scoffs. "Are those even considered fights? I can dodge her sloppy attacks in my sleep." 

With a seething glare, you were about to get up, ready to give Killua a piece of your mind. Unfortunately (or fortunately?) Kurapika and Gon pulled you back down and stopped you.

You took a few deep breaths, and after a while, you were able to calm yourself down.

"Here, (Y/N). I got you a drink," Gon smiles, handing you your favorite iced drink.

You smiled warmly at him. "Thanks a lot, Gon!" You beamed, taking a refreshing sip from it. After that, you turned back to him curiously. "So, why did you call me here with you guys?" 

"Well..." Gon began, scratching the back of his head sheepishly. "I just wanted to tell you guys that I'll be leaving soon. I'm going on an adventure with Ging!"

You looked at him in awe "Woah! You're actually coming with him?" You asked, setting your drink on the table.

"Oi, are you serious, Gon?! You're going with that sorry excuse of a father?" Leorio scowls, a vein popping in his head. 

Kurapika sweatdrops. "I mean, he's not the best father, but he is a great Hunter. I'm sure he could manage. Right, Gon?" 

Gon nodded enthusiastically. "Yup! I can't wait!" He then paused, turning to his best friend. "I wouldn't be able to make it to your birthday this year, Killua. Sorry!" He sheepishly scratched the back of his head with a close-eyed smile.

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