Maije VS. Natsu (Ft. Maije and Erza)

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This is the third time they fought. Each time before this, Natsu got pretty awfully wounded and so had determined to train for this time. He trained with Erza and unfortunately I didn't manage to save that one, which is upsetting because I quite liked it.

Aya! If you read this please comment Erza's reaction to finding Natsu right after this. T^T I want senpai to be proud.


✖ "Hey! Monkey girl!" Natsu called, rushing up to her. By now, most of the wounds from fighting her previously had disappeared. "Ready for another go?" hopefully that extra training would pay off.

✴ Maije smirked "Hell yes!"

✖ A devil-may-care grin crossed his face. "Alright," he said, standing a metre away from her and getting into a defensive stance.

✴ Maije got out her fan

♛ Erza jumped light lightning between them with a small smirk "Having fun without me?"

✴ Maije shook her head "Of course not Erza-sama!"

♛ "I'm here to watch." She narrowed her eyes at Natsu

✖ Natsu grinned. "Didn't expect you to make a show, Erza!" He narrowed his eyes at Maije's fan and frowned.

✴ Maije smirked (I got a minute) and spikes came out of her fans towards them

♛ Erza smirks at his direction and got out from the area "I'm here for the entertainment."

✖ Natsu dropped to the ground, using the time for the spikes to fly over him in order to pick up a thumb-sized rock that he landed on. Once the spray of spikes had finished, he stood again.

✴ Maije smirked "Shika"

✖ Natsu, stopped. Shika? Wasn't that the deer? He'll smell it when it shows up. Instead, he launched himself foreward, a small spark of fire at his feet to speed him; fist drawn back; aimed at Maije.

✴ Maije tried to dodge it but her ankle got burned

✖ After two, strong punches, Natsu paused for a moment. To make sure he isn't taking it too far.

✴ Maije was alright. She SOCKED him upside the head

✖ The punch had him turning his head. Or her turning his head, might be a better way to put it.

        Natsu grinned, energized. Whipping his head back to attention, he brought up his knee into her gut.

✴ Maije crashed into a tree. She got up and inner Maije came out "Whaddya do that Cha!" She punched him in the gut hard

✖ Natsu grunts. /That hurt.../ He reaches for his stomach and grabs her arm, swinging her in a full circle before he carelessly lets go.

✴ Maije gasps and lands into a tree branch

✖ "Hey!" Natsu calls, running towards the treebranch. Unsure of whether it's to help her out or to cotinue their fight.

✴ Maije smiled "Im okay!" She go off smiling

✖ Natsu grinned, crossing his arms across his chest. "Told you I'd do better this time!"

✴ Maije growled and kicked him in the head "You fool! Did you learn your mistakes!?"

✖ Natsu fell to the floor, landing head-first. "OW OW OW OKAY!" he kicked himself BACK UP, sighing and rubbing his head. With a grin, he flicked the rock he had picked up earlier, hitting her in the forehead.

✴ Maije growled and started chasing him with a large wooden mallet

✖ He chuckled. He was main;y annoyed that he didn't hit the dot on her forehead. He was aiming for it, afterall. ((He's so mean D: )) He began skipping backwards, barely avoiding her swings.

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