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I woke up to the creaking doors, and sat up. I walked over to see all three passed out. That was, until one move. I stepped back to see it was my friend Justin. He groaned, sitting up and rubbing his head. He turned it to look at me. "Jase?"

"Hey side hoe, what's up?" I smiled, lending a hand. He took it and stood up.

"What's going on? What is this place?"

"Long story, but for now, let's not fuss about it right now." He smiled and nodded. "Go chill out for a bit, yea?" He nodded again and walked around. I turn my focus on the other two, slim figures. I knelt down next to them, rolling them over so I could see better. The first one I saw was also an old friend, Tyler. Never thought he'd be here, I thought to myself. When I rolled the other one over, I was horrified. It was, my brother! I jumped back, stumbling backwards from the force. "You sick son of a bitch," I growled, glaring into one of the hidden cameras.

I walked away from the two, feeling sick, and walked to the top of one of the balconies, sitting in the corner. Knees pulled tight to my chest, resting my head on them. There was a low, yet very audible creak, coming to the left of me. I looked to see it was Justin. "Hey, you good?" He asked, sitting across from me.

"No. Not really. But it's fine." I told him. I looked down to see my brother and Tyler still laying asleep.

"What's wrong?"

"That's my brother down there," I whispered.

"Okay? So that's good right? Knowing people is good."

"No." I stated in a flat and harsh voice, "it's not. I've been here once before. This is the farthest thing from okay." I lied, yet told some truth. "I just...I need to be alone right now." I whispered again.

"That's not gonna happen," I looked at him confused, "if I know you, the last thing you need is to be alone." He moved so he was next to me, wrapping his arms around me. I tried to pull away, but he was too strong at the moment. I was weak from seeing my brother, so I didn't have much fight. I just hope this doesn't have to end like it has to. I gave in and let Justin pull me to his side. I rested my head on his shoulder, and closed my eyes.

"It'll be okay." Justin told me. And boy was that a lie. Not that he knew. I let a tear slip from my eye, as my brain overworked itself and thought about what was going to happen.


I woke up a little later, not really knowing I'd fallen asleep. I looked up to Justin's head against the wall, passed out. I snuck out of him arms, walked around him and down the stairs. As I reached the bottom, the boys were gone. I looked around to see them under the balcony. "Jase?" Tyler asked surprised.

"Hi," I said with a small wave. Tyler stood up, blocking the other from view.

"Dude, it's been forever," he said and gave me a hug. At first I just stood there, confused, then hesitantly hugged back. I actually haven't been hugged in years. I've been kissed and such by Fanta and Brian, but never actually hugged. It was a little weird, but it was nice. And I know Justin hugged me earlier, but I didn't process it correctly, as my mind was fogged over. And it still was.

Tyler pulled away, letting me go. "You look so different, but still the same." He told me, looking me over. Not in that way, but just how I'd changed. I had my ears pierced with black rose studs like before. Now I have black snake bites, a silver hooped nose piercing(like the one just on the side), the top cartilage of my ear pierced with also a small black hoop and a dark yet beautiful flower tattoo across my collarbone and slightly up my neck.

"Thanks, I think," I laughed, which he returned. "It's good to see you too Ty." I smiled. Then my brother popped out from behind him. Still tall as ever. Standing over me at 6'2" now.

"Hey shrimp," I smiled.

"Hey nerd. And, last time I checked, I'm about half a foot taller."

"Yea yea, Nugget." I rolled my eyes. He scoffed at the nickname.

"You know that's not my name."

"So? You loved chicken nuggets so," I drug out. "Anyway, I'm gonna go." I turned around but was stopped by Tyler's voice.

"Wait, where are we?"

"Don't worry about that for now. It'll be," I hesitated for a quick moment, "fine." With that, I left the two. I walked back up the stairs, to see Justin start to wake. I sat across from him as he sat up correctly.

"Hey," he yawned.

"Hi," I answered. "So how's it been out there?"

"Out there?" He chuckled.

"Sorry, I meant...just, how's it been?"

"Ummm, it's been okay. A bit rough when you just, dropped off the face of the Earth though. Miss talkin to ya." I chuckled rolling my eyes. "It's true!"

"Alright, alright. How's you and what's her face? Still together or?"

"Pshh nah. We broke things off a while ago. I tried dating other chicks, but turns out you were right."


"In high school, I said I had a thing for Redheads, and you said I always lose them so they really aren't my thing."

"Oh that. You didn't break it off cause of that did you?"

"No. She was getting too clinging and I just couldn't do it. But, you were right. Redheads? Not sticking around too much."

"So they're not your thing huh?" I smiled.

"Not really," he chuckled. "Anyway, how about you? How've you been? Where'd you go?" I stayed quiet for a moment, not sure what to tell him.

"Ummm, not much has really happened. Got two great guy friends that I met, not dating, just friends," I lied. But, it wasn't a true relationship with them. "I didn't have a phone or anything for internet for a while, so I just quit that all together."

"Oh man. Sounds like you had a good time."

"I mean, sometimes it is. Not so much now though," I held my head down after looking around the room.

"Yea. So what is this place? You seem kind of similar with it."

"What? Oh, right. Yea, I've been here before. That's when I first 'dropped off the Earth' for a while. I was really quiet when I got out. Can't really talk about what goes on in here, out there." I explained, "but, you've seen the Hunger Games, right?" I asked, him nodding in response, "it's like that. We hang out here for a while, then we go out to go fight and such for a bit."

"Well shit. How many people win? Or is it, last man standing?" He asked worried. Shit, what do I say? What do I tell him? I freaked out quickly in my head.

"I'm not sure. I somehow escaped the first time, and I crossed a certain border they couldn't, and they had to let me go. There was some people still inside here when I left, so I'm not sure." Again, not all a lie, but not the whole truth. "So I'm sure more than one can win. But, you never truly win."

"No? Do you know how to get out?"

"Every inch. And not really. If you make it out, you're never truly be the same. Nightmares, depression, always worry-some, angry. It's all the time. I'll say this, if you want out, I'll help you, but I'm not going with a—"

"What? No. You're coming with."

"No way. I can't survive out there," which was the whole truth. If I was thrown back into society, I couldn't and wouldn't make it.

"Jase—" I gave him a look, which made him cut himself off. "Okay."

"And, you have to take my brother." I told him, "I won't help unless you take my brother with you. The sooner the better."

"Alright. You really won't come with though?" I shook my head.

"I can't. I've done too much bad, I'd die out there. Trust me, I'll be okay." I smiled, rubbing his arm.

We talked for a while, as did Nugget with Tyler. Later, we all got together, talking and bullshitting about random things. Having a good time. I had almost forgot what the following days would bring...almost.

Survival of the Fittest: Friends Forever {Complete}Where stories live. Discover now