The next morning was a free day. I walking around the barn, thinking. About what Tyler said, what happened to Pat, and what King did. Once I got down the stairs, I went over to her and Jordan. "Can we talk for a minute?" I asked her. She looked at me confused, then to Jordan, then nodded and stood. She walked with me across the barn, away from everyone else.

"What's up?"

"I'm trying to figure something out, and I need your 'detective skills'," we both laughed at the last part.

"Alright. What do you need?"

"I saw Pat yesterday. And he obviously isn't here anymore," she nodded, wondering where this was going. "Do you know or have a hunch who did it?" In her eyes, I could tell, she froze, but on the outside she was cool, calm, and collected.

"No idea," she looked around, seeing if she could find someone that could've done it. "I could only think maybe Luke did it."

"Why Luke?" I acted shocked.

"Well, if he knew you liked Pat, and he liked you, he might just go that far. I mean, no one is truly inasint here."

"Right," I said, giving an accusatory look.

"Dude, I know how much you love him. I couldn't ever put you through something like that."

"Alright, I believe you." I put one hand out for her to shake.

"So, we're still good? Friends?" She asked, before shaking my hand.

"Friends? Forever." She smiled and shook it. "Alright, I'll let you get back to your boy." As she walked back, if looks could kill, she'd be dead. But she's not the one I want to kill. Jordan would make things a lot more fun. Revenge doesn't look good on sane people, good thing I'm going insane.


As tomorrow came, and we were in the arena, I was planning out what would happen. "Two go, thirty minutes." Justin went off by himself, Jordan and Chey were together, and I could just barely see Tyler next to me.

"Ty," I whispered, and when he saw me he shuffled over. "I've got a plan."

"Is it, killing me?"

"Fuck no. I need to kill Jordan. If Chey sees that, she might kill herself over it. Or, she'll just live with the pain I feel. I know how close those two are. I just need to find a way to get him alone though." Tyler through for a minute, then nodded.

"Fuck! Shit!" I heard Justin yell.

"What if Justin dies and one of the others?" He asked, but I shook my head.

"I need those two out. I can save you and Justin, but I have to get rid of the two first." Tyler sighed, then nodded.

"Alright, I've got an idea. I'll go over and tell them I know where you're at, and I'll get Jordan to come over. I know Chey wants you dead."


"Honestly, no idea. But I think she thinks that you're in on it. I know, but I think she just has the hunch and is going off that." I nodded.

"Alright. Please, be careful." Tyler nodded, and he ran off. I waited pashently, listening and watching. When I saw Jordan run next to me, but not seeing me, I jumped him, dragging his ass to the ground. I sat on his chest, pinning his arms to his sides with my legs, and pushing my hand against his throat so he couldn't scream or breath.

"Jordan?" I heard King whisper/yell. I made a loud, high pitched scream, which I made suddenly cut off. Though she was in theatre, I pulled it off as real.

"This is payback at it's finest. I'm kinda sad it had to be you but," I shrugged. As he struggled, I pushed my hand harder and squeezed my legs to make sure he wouldn't get out. I pulled out my knife, and moved my hand up just a bit, pressing that to his neck as well. He stopped moving, and shook his head, mouthing out a plead not to. I cut his throat, and moved myself onto his stomach. I let go of this throat, which he replaced with his own hands, trying to breath. I cut open his shirt, and started to carve my famous word, 'KARMA' into it. As I did, his screams could be heard, but were cut off by choking on his own blood. After I finished, he was just barely holding on. I didn't cut his throat to deep, but deep enough. I then plunged my knife into his heart, finally killing him.

I got off him, wiped the blade clean, and stuck it back in my boot. There was two long beeps. "Two minutes." I muttered. I drug and pushed Jordan to the frontish and pushed him onto the main floor, so I knew Chey would see it. Another long beep went off. One minute.

"What's that noise?" I heard Chey say.

"One minute left!" I announced, standing in the middle.

"Jase?" Chey yelled, shocked, coming out into the open as well.

"Sup King B." I smirked, then there was loud thud. "Ten seconds. Kill me." I smirk, spreading my arms wide. She threw the blade, and I closed my eyes, expecting to be hit, but I wasn't the one that caused the loud thud. I looked down to see Tyler. I dropped down next to him. "Tyler...what the h—"

"I told wouldn't die." He told me. The doors opened, and I could hear Dean. When he ran past me, I whispered quickly.

"He's dead, don't kill." His eyes flashed a quick blue, telling me he understood. "I'm so sorry Tyler."

"It's fine. Shit happens," he laughed, making me breath a chuckle.

"You suck."

"You swallow." He smiled, and closed his eyes. I pulled the knife out of his chest and set it on the ground. I heard screams and barking all around me. I whistled and Dean stopped barking, and went back to the doors with, where I could see, was Fanta. I stood up, and walked quickly out.

"Good boy," I muttered and walked to the barn by myself, but not before I heard another muffled scream, which made me grin evilly.

Once the three of us were in the barn, King came up behind me, shoving me. I whipped around to get in her face. "Don't touch me."

"You killed Jordan!"

"You killed Pat!" I shoved back. "And lied about it! Theatre didn't pay off for ya this time!" I turn to walk away, when out of the corner of my eye I could see her reach for me. I snatched my knife quickly, turning back, grabbing her arm, and holding the weapon to her throat. "You're not as sly as you think. You've pissed me off enough. Now do us both a favor, and fuck off!"

"You can't kill me in here. You would've done it already." She tried, thinking I wouldn't do shit. "And you won't hurt me. Never have. Never, will."

"Well, if you need to know, I can hurt you in here. This," I gestured to the knife, "is my baby. Won't disappear like the others. No rules for her. And besides, if I killed you now, I wouldn't get to later. If I killed you know, I could get killed by the people who put us in here. But, they love me too much. Yea, I had a deal. I work here sweetie. They won't kill me. They can't. If they did, you'd be dead and so would I. Win-win for everyone." I explained. I pushed the knife harder against her throat, and only letting up when I saw blood start to come out.

I pushed her away, and walked up the steps to my area. I heard someone come up next to me, and I could see Justin. "Hey," I smiled.

"Hi," he sat in front of me, but father than anytime before. "Can we talk?"

Survival of the Fittest: Friends Forever {Complete}Where stories live. Discover now