As the lights in the barn turned on once again, I woke. I felt something warm next to me, and was confused. Dean wasn't here, and I didn't fall asleep next to someone. I know that for a fact. I thought to myself. I looked over to see Justin. I rolled my eyes and sat up. The doors opened and shut again. Another girl and guy. And instead of getting up to see who it was, too afraid to know, I got up and start walking around the barn, starting my exercises. As the others were waking, another creaking sound came, but from the roof. Food. I walked down the stairs and food fell from the ceiling.

I went over, along with the others, and found it was pop tarts. Everyone grabbed one, and started talking and eating. I, on the other hand, snuck away and sat in a dark corner of the barn. I didn't want to be around my friends right now. It was making me more and more depressed by the day. Knowing I was the one causing and helping this. Knowing I'd be watching or the one doing the killings.

"Hey look!" Someone announced, "it's new peeps. And they're wakin up!" I creaped out just a bit to see everyone rush over.

"You son of—I'm gonna kill him!" I heard Jordan yell. King had to grab him and yank him back. As I looked closer, it was Bradley. The ex-asshole of Chey. Let's just say, that's not a good three-way-triangle.

"Oh that bitch is gonna die too!" King the yelled. Now, all three guys were holding the couple back. I look to see the girl, was MacKenzie. Now that bitch. I'm okay with killing. The others will go for Bradley. I grin in my head. I go back to my corner, and slowly eat the unappitising cherry poptarts.

After a while, MacKenzie and Bradley were together doing their thing, and the others were all together doing their thing. I was in the corner still, carving lines into the side of the wall. Just digging away in one spot, trying to not think of hurting myself again. I just broke my promise, I don't need to do it again.

A few minutes later, I carved into the ground, half of the map to get out of here. Not all of it of course, can't have a lot of people leaving, but if someone stumbles apon it, good for them. And good luck with that. Across the way from that, I carved a heart into the floor. I took time to get it right. It was the one thing I always had and needed to get correct. Once I finished it, I sat back and smiled. "The one thing that I'm always happy about. Don't know why, just am," I told myself. I go to set the knife down, but see four more had appeared in its spot.

I stood up, grabbing them, and walked out onto the main floor. I looked around to see where the targets were at. One appeared by the hidden camera, and the other four were in the middle of each wall. One for each. I twirled a blade in one hand, and threw it at the wall to my right, then went in a circle from there. The last one was next to the camera above me. "This is slight pay back," I growled, throwing and missing the target, but hitting the camera. I knew that was the only camera in here, so they were blind in the office.

"Good try," I heard King say.


"I said, good try. Almost hit all bullseyes." She smirked, which I gladly returned.

"I didn't miss the last one. I got it where I wanted it. I've got the best aim out of everyone here."

"Right. I'm sure," she scoffed.

"Oh what, cause you shoot arrows? You think you're better? Trust me honey, this is a brand new game you're about to play here."

"Let's prove that then yea?" She growled. I knew she toook that kind of thing very seriously.

"Let's," I smirked, "six, set three." I said, and three knifes appeared in each hand of hers and mine. "No one move!" I announced to everyone. Justin was sitting and talking with Tyler. Jordan and Nugget were hanging out doing their own things on the ground, and the two assholes up top doing whatever they were doing.

"So how we playing?"

"Three targets for each of us, yours are blue and mine are green. Hit bullseyes for all, and try not to hit anyone would you." We nodded and looked for our targets. Hers were by the front door, by the two up top, and one against the wall by Jordan's head. Mine was top corner of the ceiling, one under the balcony, and one by Justin's head. The only problem, was I'd have to graze his ear to hit the eye.

"Go!" She said. And we started throwing the blades. I hit the easier ones first, obviously, then looked to Justin.

"Hey Justin." He looked at me, "god for bid, but do not move." He looked behind him and looked to me in fear. "You gotta trust me." He nodded and took a breath. I smiled a little on the inside, it was kinda funny but I didn't know why. I threw it, hitting the bullseye. I held up the last one, motioning that it was the last one. He sat still and I threw it. Hitting it practically in the same spot.

I turned around to see Chey motioning Jordan to move his head a little, just in case. "No!" I stopped her. "You have to hit it with him like that. I did it," I moved aside to show.

"That's not real, he moved."

"No, he stayed put." Tyler said.

"It's true. I'm still a bit shook. That shit's sketchy." Justin said, chuckling at the end.

"If you're so confident, throw it with him there." I pushed. She glared and looked back.

"Fine. You trust me?" Jordan took a second then nodded. She threw the first one, hitting just outside the eye. The last one, I could tell she was off her game now, and hit the outside of the target. "That's bullshit! Justin so moved!" She shouted.

"Do it again then," we both looked at Justin in shock. "If she doesn't believe it, do it." He stood up, standing against the wall. All targets and knives disappeared. One more shown in my hand. I looked to him, confused to why he would do this. "I trust you. Show her up," he cracked a small smile. I returned it and nodded. I flipped the blade in my hand then threw it to the side of his head. Going just above the ear, and slightly behind.

He moved away when the knife was stuck, and looked at it before it disappeared. I turned to King, arms crossed over my chest. "Whatever," she huffed, turning to go back to her man.

Survival of the Fittest: Friends Forever {Complete}Where stories live. Discover now