"Sure. What's up?" I asked in my normal voice.

"What's going on? In there and with Chey?"

"Do you really want to know?" He nodded, which I was afraid of. "Alright, fine. Chey lied to me about Pat. Yes, we all lied, and I've lied. But, I tell truth along with it."

"Tell me some truths then."


"Can you get us out? Why did that dog just run past you like you were invisible?"

"I can get you out. But, you'd have to survive the day after tomorrow. And he ran past me, because he's my baby."

"What?" He asked, terrified.

"Yea. I've worked here for a few years. When I first disappeared, I was taken here. I didn't know what it was and what was going to happen. I came back to town after escaping, and a few years later, I was brought back. But, I was the first one this time. I was told of a deal, and I took it. I won, and I had a choice. Leave again, and possibly come back, or work here. I chose to work here. I've done this type of thing since I disappeared the second time. This time, however, I didn't know it was all my friends and the people I love. If I known that before, I'd have killed myself before I came in here." I explained to him.

"So this is what you do? You come in here and just, kill people?"

"Sometimes, but I work cameras. I know where everyone of them are. I know the placement, the blind spots. Down to a science."

"So why don't you just leave from the first time you came in? If you knew it was all your friends, why not just run or help us escape."

"Because I didn't know it would be you all. Once I did, my mind was clouded, I couldn't think straight, and it was too late. And if I helped you all out, not all of us would escape anyway. If most us made it, we'd be found, brought back and tortured. I've seen once how they torture people, never would I wish that apon someone." Justin shook his head, looking away. "I'm sorry Justin. I can get you out though."

"You said people lie. You said you lie. How can I trust you?"

"Because when you told me to tell the truth, that's what I'm doing. How could I prove that to you?"

"I don't know. But how would you get me out?"

"I can't tell you, but just know you have to not die the next time we go out. You make it out, you can't tell anyone what happened, what you saw."

"Why not? Couldn't I get cops to come get these sons-of-bitches?"

"No! That's the last thing you want to do. I've seen people do that before. Never ends good. Always ends bloody." I warned, "but, relax tomorrow, and if you trust me, then the day after just hide and don't come out. That, is how you'll make it out." That was the last thing I left with him before I got up and went downstairs.

When got down, I was punched in the face. I twisted to the side, and held my hands up just in case. "The fuck is wrong this you?" I screamed at Chey.

"You put us here! That's what!" She yelled, pointing at me in anger.

"Yea! And if you weren't a dick, I could've helped you!"

"How? By killing me?"

"Well you'll never know now right? You're being an ass. Killed Pat and lied about it. But it's okay, I got my revenge." I smirked, "I felt bad for killing Jordan the way I did. He was a pretty good person." King yelled, finally breaking and ran at me.

She jumped on me, taking us both down from the force. I was under her, blocking and ducking from her punches. I kneed her in the ass, pushing her forward, then grabbed her shoulders to pin her down slightly, so I could get up. When I did, she wasn't far behind. We exchanged punches, both landing some on each. She got the last one, hitting my head just right. I stumbled backwards, trying to get my vision to clear up. Once it did, it did just in time to see her run at me, but I moved so she ran into the wall. I backed up and sat on the ground. When she ran to me, I reached forward to grab her leg and a threw her to the ground. I jumped on top of her, and punched her in the nose twice, before I grabbed the collar on her shirt, pulled her up and slammbed her head into the floor.

She stopped fighting. Stopped moving. I didn't kill her, just knocked her ass out. "I said, don't, touch me." I panted. "Shouldn't have lied," I started pushing myself up, "shouldn't have been an ass." Once I was up, I felt my face to see how bad it was. I knew my nose was bleeding already, but my eyebrow had a cut across it, my cheek bone was bruising and my lip was busted. But, as I felt my lip, I didn't feel one of the piercings. I looked around to find a small black stud laying on the floor. I picked it up to see the back was still on it. I felt my lip again, and noticed the stud was ripped out. "Mother fucker!" I yelled, throwing the stud.

"You okay?" Justin asked, making me jump a bit internally.

"Never better," I smiled. He smiled and rolled his eyes, walking down and next to me. I unwrapped my sleeve covered hand and used that to try to stop my nose from bleeding more.

"Come on," he said, holding my arm and lightly pulling me away from an unconscious Cheyenne. We sat on a bail, and Justin tried his best to help clean me up. After a bit, I wasn't bleeding as much anymore, my lip would for a little sometimes, but other than that, I was good.

"Sorry about that," I told him.

"For what?"

"Freaking out then lashing out. No one needs to see that side, especially from me. Cause then that happens," I pointed to King.

"Hey, shit happens. And it makes sence. You've been and lived through Hell, so far. You have a reason to get pissed and a right to let it out. You don't know how to deal or handle with what's been going in the past few days, so I get it. But don't be sorry for shit you can't control." I chuckled and nodded. "Tomorrow will be a new day, and nothing bad will happpen, hopefully. As long as you two are apart." He laughed.

"True enough." I smiled, which he returned. "Alright, I'm going to crash. Night Justin." I rubbed his back, got up, and went to a corner to pass out.

Survival of the Fittest: Friends Forever {Complete}Where stories live. Discover now