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I walked towards the front door with Rob behind me. He quickly closed the door behind him and faced me

"Andy, I don't know what had gotten into you, but you need to cut this shit out." He started. I crossed my arms over my chest

"You don't know her and she doesn't know you. I've been really patient with you about her." He continued

"But this is crossing the damn line. It takes a lot for her to breakdown, but saying things like that, triggering her PTSD? I'm not gonna push it off. She has been through so much shit and I'm not gonna let her re-live that again from you." He said, pointing his finger into my chest

"She hasn't done anything to you. Get your head out of your ass and cut this bullshit out, understood?" He said

I nodded my head yes, I Couldn't speak and I couldn't look him in the eyes. I felt bad

I didn't know she had PTSD or that I was gonna trigger it.

I fucked up and I can't fix that. God I am gonna punch a wall repeatedly

I walked inside and went straight to my room. I slammed my door and punched my fist into my wall till my knuckles start bleeding, getting it on the wall in the process

I already cut my hand and have a bandage on, I'm gonna need another after this

"God dammit!" I growled in anger and hit the wall again and then slid down the wall and just gave up

I sat there, lost in my own mind, thinking too much.

I need to stay away from her during tour or else I'm gonna break her



I don't know when, but I fell asleep after my attack. My throat and body ache, my eyes are dry and so is my mouth

12:45 am, two hours before we head to the the airport to start tour.

I slowly sat up, my body screaming in pain with every move I made.

I stumbled over to where my clothes were, grabbed something by random and went into the bathroom

I took off my sweater shirt and looked at myself in the mirror. I looked like a mess. my purple hair tangled, the makeup the girls put on me, slightly smudged, bags under my eyes

I took a look down my arms; littered with scares, some made by me, the rest? Someone else.

I looked at my stomach. I'm fat and have tiny scares that were made by them too, that damn so called 'human being' hurt me too much

I turned on the shower and let the hot water hit my skin, soothing my aching body

I played music in the background very softly so I don't wake anybody up. the first sing to come on, Helena by My Chemical Romance

This song means a lot. I got through a lot of trama and depression episodes. Needless to say, it was my escape song and I needed it right now

I hummed along to the notes, getting lost in the music. I didn't realize how deep in thought I was in until the song was over and Amy's voice started with My Immortal; another sing that got me through a lot

I finished my short shower and changed into my back ripped skinny jeans and my AC/DC shirt. I combed through my hair with my fingers and brushed my teeth.

I felt sick just looking at myself. I look like I've died and I did. Any attacks I have take a lot out of me and I just die a little each time

I quietly walk out of the bathroom to grab my makeup, trying not to wake up the girls who are spread across the floor, buried in blankets and pillows

I grab my makeup bag and start walking back when Ella quickly turned over and nearly hitting me. I hopped over her arm and tripped over her blanket

Thank God I barely made any noise when I collieded with the floor

I looked around to make sure I didn't wake anyone up. I didn't, thank God.

I moved into the bathroom, quietly closing the door. I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding in and set the bag on the counter.

I pulled out my eyeliner, my black and red eye-shadow and applyed it carefully. I don't wear a lot of makeup, I like dark, simple makeup instead of cakey makeup.

I finnished applying it and walked back out of the bathroom and into the room

It was now 1:15 am, little less than an hour and fifteen minutes

I decided to go downstairs and see if any of the guys were up.

I crept down the stairs to an empty kitchen with a single light on. It was eerie looking

I turned on the main kitchen light and looked into the fridge to see if I could make something for everyone before we leave.

We had stuff for breakfast sandwiches, pancakes, eggs and sausage.

I gathered everything and started making everything and putting then in sandwich bags and containers so it's easy to grab and go

It was now 1:55 am, everyone should be up and ready to go by now

Right on cue I heard feet running down the stairs and into the kitchen. I sat there sipping my coffee as I felt all eyes on me then at the food and back at me

"You made food?" Jinxx asked

'Hurry up and grab it, we gotta go' I signed to them, nodding my head yes, finishing my coffee

"Grab some and lets go!" Jinxx said

They all grabbed some and rushed out the door into the Uber

I sat in the very back cause I was small. Lorin and Ella sitting next to me, Andy sat in front of me with CC and Jake. Ashley was flirting with our driver; she seemed interested in him

The drive was short, but it felt like forever. I know the plane ride will be a while, but I guess it's because I've been out of it

I hop out of the car and help place their instraments and amps onto the cart so they can hurry and get it on board

I sat in the waiting area waiting for us to be called. Someone sits besides me. I turn to see Rob looking at the bag in my lap

"You ready kid?" He asked

I looked at him and thought about it

I nodded my head yes and smiled, laying my head on his shoulder


I dedicate this chapter to a fan who asked me to update again, so this one is for you Panda_Gurll1408 hope you like it X

That time I met you AndyWhere stories live. Discover now