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CC and I are neck and neck on smash bros. Jake and Jinxx lost to me while CC was kinda almost close to killing them, I couldn't let that happen so I took that from him.

"Come on Comma, you might as well give up now, I'm gonna kick your ass." I told him, trying to get to him

"I hope you're hungry, cause I'm gonna make you eat your words when I beat you." CC said back to me

"Bet, Christian." I kinda yelled

Right as I said those words, those two words...... he killed me and won the match.

"Damn it." I said to myself

"As you were saying, Purdy?" CC asked

"Whatever. I let you win."

"Now that is a fucking lie." Andy laughed

"Yeah.....Andy, you can play Batman now." I told him, handing the remote to him

"Thanks Ash, did I win it from you or did you just hand it to me?" He joked

"Fuck you," I yelled at him

I walked down the stairs of the house and walked into the kitchen to get something to eat or at least to snack on.

I went to the pantry to grab something when my phone went off, making me fucking jump

I looked down at it and saw I had a text from Raven

Help. The girls are wanting to buy me makeup. SOS

I busted out laughing. Poor Raven, she doesn't do girly stuff and she is with our girly girls.

Haha, I'm so sorry Ravey. I would stop them if I could

Oh,no. Now we are looking at pastel blankets. Nooooooooo!!

I could help but start laughing so hard that I couldn't breathe and actual tears were coming out of my eyes

Does it burn??

Yes, it does!!

I shouldn't be laughing at her suffering of girly stuff, but it's funny.

Oh, thank Satan himself. Sammi told them to knock it off and let me be like you guys. If Sammi wasn't here I would have explode.

The girls only want to bring another girl to their side. Bring them to girly side with all glam, bam and damn.

Got to go, Purdy. They are buying clothes to try on too. Let's hope I don't let them spend too much on me.

Okay. Let them buy you as much as they want. We're paying too. You have no choice. BYE HAVE FUN!!

I ended the text like that and didn't let her refuse what we are doing for her. We know she doesn't have much so we are gonna give as much stuff as we can to her. It's like spoiling her, but she deserves it.

I decided to scroll through my social media and see what's up in this fucked up world today that could peek my interest.

I saw the usual things I see: Models, band pics, edits and sick ass instruments. But something new caught my eye. I saw a picture of CC wrapping his arm around Raven's neck, pulling her into a hug.

He captioned it:  "welcome to your new life R!"

He didn't say her name or tag her, guess he didn't want harassment on her for being with him in a picture with no telling if they are dating or something

I want to bug her to take a picture of her face with me on my social media so everyone knows we all know her, except Andy. Knowing him he would never do that.

I heard loud footsteps coming down the stairs and into the kitchen. I saw the guys frantically running into each other as they piled into the kitchen.

"What the hell? I leave you guys for like three minutes!" I exclaimed

"Yeah, but tour is in a day! We forgot that yesterday was Monday." Jake replied

"What?" I asked very confused

"That is what Rob meant. He meant this Tuesday, which is tomorrow, Purdy." CC added

"Fuck, do the girls know?"

"Yes, that's why they went shopping. Guys really do suck at listening." CC said

"We listen very well, we just misheard what he said and guys don't listen well to Girls." I said

"Okay, fuck. We need to go home and get our shit together. Raven and the girls will be here to put stuff in the extra room for her. CC since you are the only who fucking understood what Rob meant and have basically all your shit together, make sure Raven and the girls have a way to get help if they need it, okay?" Jinxx said

"Okay, got you. We have no time to fuck around."



After two hours of trying on clothes, shoes and body hygiene products, we were on our way back to the band house.

The girls are talking amongst themselves while I'm fiddling with my sleeves and my hair. I take a glance outside the window to look a gloomy clouds in LA.

I kept opening and closing trying to make a noise, a word, anything. Nothing was happening. I want to break out of being mute but I've been one for so long my body has just gotten use to it and forgotten what it's like to speak

I don't wanna burden the guys and have to deal a stupid mute on top with tour and working on their new album. All I do is add on to the problem

Why can't I be normal? Why did I have to have this kind of life to lead up to me becoming mute?

"Raven?" I heard

"Hmm?" I hummed

"Have you ever been on tour before?" Lorin asked me

I nodded my head yes


Lorin handed me the notebook and started to write everything they wanted know about who I toured with

"I toured with Sleeping With Sirens. Kellin treated me like family and occasionally would call me sister cause we were so close. He protected me from weird people wanting to come at me because I was hanging with them. I like touring, even though it was only once." Lorin read for me

"You toured with Sleeping With Sirens? That's amazing! You're gonna like touring with the guys because it's different from anyone else. It's so fun, trust me." Ella said

I gave them a warm smile before Sammi decided to grab me and start shaking me around while screaming

"You're the new BVB girl, people are gonna love you!"

I just laughed at her silently while the other girls where busting out laughing at her comment

That time I met you AndyWhere stories live. Discover now