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Raven started her walking physical therapy to get her body use to moving again

The trial started a few weeks ago. It would've been all done and dealt with, but Juliet pleaded not guilty

I wasn't surprised that she did

In the second hearing, she tried an insanity plea

The court ordered her to stay at a psychiatric ward for 14 days under observation to determine if she is able to use the plea

We're walking up to the house for the first time in days. The guys got the go to clean up the remaining things that were already collected as evidence

It took a while, there was so much blood and pills scattered everywhere

There's a part of me that will never forget how cold and limp her body was, unresponsive as she was minutes away from death

I never EVER want to leave her side again. Not home alone, not on the tour bus, anywhere. I'm not risking losing her again

That has become my greatest fear: losing Raven

I'm so scared


As we pulled up to the house, I already felt my stomach tightening

Andy came around and opened my door, holding his hand out to help me

"Home sweet home." Andy said

He never once let go of my hand as we walked up to the door

I still had trouble walking at times from the injury to my leg and getting all my strength back

Andy opened the door, letting me slowly walk in

My heartbeat picked up when I looked at the entrance, memories were rushing back

"Guys? This isn't funny any-" I was cut off by being grabbed from behind 

The knife dropped from my hand, clattering to the ground

I struggled with them for a while then saw her face


My eyes went wide

Crazed eyes, pieces of her tied back hair fell in her face

I had a split second to run, I couldn't risk trying to grab the knife

She was blocking the way to the door, I just had to wait for her to come at me

She did just that

I dodged and went towards the door, but she was quicker

I thought I was fast enough, but I felt her hot hands grab my cold arm

She grabbed me again and jabbed my neck with something

I tried fighting back but I felt weaker as she seemed to get stronger

My legs were giving out as my body dropped closer to the floor

"Give up princess."

She said it with such anger

That was the last thing I heard before I blacked out


I snapped out of it

That time I met you AndyWhere stories live. Discover now