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As I walked down the oh so familiar hospital halls to Raven's room, I had a pep in my step

Juliet was taken down, news broke the second the press found out she was arrested for suspicion of attempted murder

No one has been made aware of the details, all they know is:

°Juliet's arrest

°A list of potential victims

°Photos and videos of her arrest from witnesses

Not much to go on, but the news is spreading like wildfire

I can only hope that this is all they know until the court hearing, but knowing the media.....they can get all the details as early as the next hour

There is no telling what will happen and that scares me

I opened the door to Raven's room and saw her laying down the opposite way. Her head at the foot of the bed and her feet on her pillow

"Hey crazy." I greeted

"You're back!" She squealed sitting up

She immediately ducked her head down

"Baby you can't get up so fast like that." I said, rubbing her back

"I forgot." I heard her muffled voice said

She slowly sat back up and wrapped her arms around me

"Where did you go?"

I planted a kiss on her lips before speaking

"I went to see Juliet."

She looked at me uneasy

"Don't worry, she has been arrested. I was given the amazing opportunity to join in on their questioning."

She slowly started smiling

"Does she know?"

I let out a laugh

"Oh yeah. Let me tell you, she was so happy and confessed to everything because she thought you were dead. Man, if you could see how fast her smile left and turned into pure anger. It took several people to get her under control."

Raven's smile grew wider

"I can't believe it."

"Now we wait."

She nodded her head slowly, closing her obvious tired eyes

I grabbed onto her and moved on the bed, letting her lay on me

"Sleep baby, I know you're tired."

She adjusted herself before getting comfortable

"I'm glad you're back."


A few hours had past and Raven started to wake up

"Hi princess."

She waved at me, sitting up on my lap 

We just stared at each other for a while, sitting in comfortable silence before Raven spoke up

"I'm gonna go to the bathroom, I'll be back."

She started to crawl off me, slowly sliding off the bed

Her feet barely touched the ground before her legs gave in, causing her to fall to the floor

I heard her let out a pained squeal, grabbing onto her arm; sobbing

That time I met you AndyWhere stories live. Discover now