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I felt so bad for Andy, he lost so much this year and he is trying to keep it together for the fans, the band and me

I don't want him feeling he has to hide his feelings of hurt around me. He's human and has feelings

He was quiet the whole drive to the airport and through security

We had to sit and wait for our flight to be called and Andy was looking down at his hands

It reminded me of when I first met the guys and I couldn't make good eye contact with them, I still don't but I could tell he didn't know what to do or what to say. Who can in these situations?

I reached over and held his hand. It snapped him out of his trance

He looked over at me, realizing I was holding his hand and gently squeezed my hand

"Andy?" I called to him

He looked at me

"Are you okay?"

That was a stupid question, but it couldn't hurt to ask

"I just-" He paused "I hate today, I hate tomorrow, I just want all this to stop. With more terrible things happening to me, it just feels like it never ends and I wish it would."

I felt his pain; I've been down the same road a few hundred times myself and it never gets easier

"Come here." I said, opening my arms

He laid his head on my shoulder, so I started running my fingers through his hair, gently untangling some of the knots

"I know how it feels, it does get easier with time."

"Has it for you?" He asked

"For most things, yes."

We sat in silence again, but it was needed

"Flight 275 is now boarding." The person called

"That's us." Andy said

This'll be a painful four hours



Raven made sure I got some sleep on the flight since I had about an hour or two last night

I checked my phone for any text messages I missed, and I saw my mom had texted me

Hey sweetie, your dad and I tried calling you to see if you needed a ride from the airport but realized you wouldn't know till after your flight. Call me when you get this

I immediately called her back

"Hello?" Her tired voice asked

"Hi mom, I just got your text, don't worry, I made sure to rent a car." I told her

"Oh, okay. Do you know when you'll be here?"

"About 20 minutes, the traffic shouldn't be too bad since its kind of early."

"Well, drive safe Andy."

"I will." I reassured her

"Okay, I love you."

"I love you too mom."

She hung up and I started heading to the car rental counter

"So, that was your mom?" Raven asked

"Yes, she was making sure we had a way to get to the house."

"How can I help you two?" The man at the counter asked

That time I met you AndyWhere stories live. Discover now