Chapter 1

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New Beginnings

3rd person POV

"Pleaseee Hunk." Lance stuck out his lip and quivered his chin.

"Fine," He paused "But, I'll only continue if I enjoy it." Lance jumped up and wrapped his arms around the larger man Hunk.

"You wont regret it I swear!" The larger man grinned. Lance unattached himself from Hunk jumping off him like it never happened.

"Wait what style am I even doing?"

"Fuck" Lance blurted out "I didn't think about that." His face seemed to drop but soon light up again. "I KNOW!...BALLET!"

"What?!" Hunk looked at Lance like he was crazy, "Have you seen me?! I can't do ballet!" Hunk yelled at Lance throwing his hands in the air.

"I'm sure you could, i've seen you balance 5 plates on your arms at once, i'm sure you can do ballet." He sighed.

"If you say so Lance." Hunk looked at Lance in worry, fidgeting with his fingers "I guess I have to give it a try, huh."

_2 hours later...

"Hunk, buddy. You have gotta get up you can't let yourself be metaphorically beaten by a pair of pointe shoes." Lance says in an ever growing mournful voice.

"Actually Lance I think I can, and I think I will let myself get beaten down by these stupid shoes. If I let that happen then I don't have to do this anymore!" He angrily thrusts his arm backwards and throws it forward to think, it almost hit the pretty woman that had just walked through the door.

"What the fuck Hunk?" Lance yells and runs over to the lady, "Allura, are you okay? I'm sorry for his behavior he got mad at the pointe shoes. Do you think you could help him with that too?"

The woman who's name was apparently "Allura" had quietly examined Hunk then whispered something into Lance's ear, for some reason making him blush a deep shade of red. "I know who you liiiike!" Hunk stares at Allura and Lance who keep stealing glances over at Hunk.

"Are you guys just gonna keep looking at me while inaudiblely speaking? Or am I going to learn something today?" Hunk seemed very frustrated with them at the moment. Lance glared at Allura for what she had said to him but it was in more of a playful sort of way.

Allura threw herself onto the floor in front of Hunk with a huge smile across her face, " What do you need help with Hunk? Lance told me balancing with the pointe shoes right?"

"Everything... I need help with balancing plus, I can barely even do the splits yet. Hell, I can't even do some stretches. Who the hell can lift their leg up onto a rail?" His face gets more red every second out of frustration.

"That's fine Hunk when I first started trying ballet, I wasn't able to do that one either it hurt my thighs. Buuutt there are other ones like stretching your legs out like so" Allura says while stretching her legs out, "Make sure that your toes are pointed. OH! And try not to bend your legs that will ruin the point of this stretch..."

"Uhh like this?", Hunk asks her.

"Yes! You got it good job. Just hold your legs like that for a minute then we can go to the next one" Lance then sits down next to Hunk so he can see how to position himself. (dirty minded people... not yet). Allura smiles at them both and continues on the next stretches.

Later... brought to you by people..

"It's only 3:00pm!... How?" Allura yells at the clock on the wall. Hunk and Lance continue a simple routine, The Waltz Of The Flowers from The Nutcracker.

Lance spins showing Hunk how to keep his balance. Hunk collapses grunting in frustration "How about this, just spin on your toes and once you've got that down try slowly doing it with your other foot up" Hunk nods to what Allura said "Don't give up ok, with practice you can do it right" Allura looks at the clock again "Hey and if your feeling down keep in mind it took me months to be able and perfect my balance."

"Can we just stop for today, my legs feel like I just got done taking anal" Lance and Allura stare at him. "What?"

"Let's just forget you ever said that, grab your stuff and let's go." Allura pats Hunk on the shoulder, her face still distant in confusion. Hunk grabs his bag, stuffing his new pointe shoes on top. Lance and Hunk were halfway out the door when allura asked

"See you next week?" Hunk nodded and both Allura and Lance's smiles seemed to grow ten times bigger.

"So you enjoyed it huh?" Lance was giving Hunk a huge cocky smirk, Hunk sighed trying to hide a slight smile

"Maybe, but i'll never admit it to your face" Lance groaned.

"That's low dude" Hunk shrugged, opening the car door. Lance sighed in defeat hopping into the passenger's seat. "Since you basically admitted you liked it I get to choose the music" Hunk groaned.

"Fine but at least don't sing horribly off key"

"Excuse me I'm a beautiful singer!" Lance exclaimed, gawking at Hunk.

"Sure you are bud..."

"Whatever" Lance replied reaching for the radio as Hunk pulled out of the studio parking lot. They both sat tired as hell though with Lance singing his heart out it didn't seem it. Hunk though well, looked like he just got done taking anal. He was sweaty and his legs seemed to be reduced to jelly.

"Finally, were home" Hunk picked himself out of the seat,opening the door. "Ballet is tiring, I'm going to bed" Lance noded

"I'm used to it, but yea it can be tiring, see you in the morning bud." Lance patted hunk on the shoulder, then wandering off to his room.

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