Chapter 3

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3rd person POV

Everyone gets settled into their seats. Keith is next to Lance who is also next to Katie, Keith is across from Shiro, Across from Lance is Matt, and across from Katie is Allura. Which leaves Hunk to be at the head of the table. As they all start to dig into the food made by Shiro, Lance is just trying to contain the redness of his face. Keith is extremely close and all Lance can think about is how Keith's lips brushed against his ear when he whispered to him. Lance slowly picks up a fork digging into the chicken with frustration. At this point Keith notices Lance's red face, he smirks placing his hand on Lance's thigh. Lance freezes, then starting to choke on his chicken which of course! Causes everyone to stare at him. Lance gives them a thumbs up and glances over to Keith. Keith catches his gaze and slowly trails his eyes down to Lances lips, causing Lance to go redder than he already was.

Keith starts to slowly trail his hand higher up Lances thigh, Lance lets out a squeak of surprise once he feels Keith's hand lay on his dick. Hunk looks over at him in concern.

"You good Lance?" Hunk asks staring at lances red face.

"Just dandy!" Lance says, a little louder than he meant to. Keith makes eye contact with Lance once again, slowly starting to palm lance through his shorts. Lance holds back a moan looking to Keith with lust filled eyes then quickly back to a clock on the wall. "Well look at the time Hunk! We better get going!"

"What are you tal-" Lance cut him off.

"Nope cmon lets go!" he said with strained teeth. Hunk looked at him worridley.

"Ok then" Lance quickly stood up.

"Bye guys see you all later!" he announced dragging Hunk by the hand to the door. He looked back once catching Keith's eyes as he smirked. He quickly pushed Hunk out the door. Once they were outside Hunk proceeded to yell at him, but all Lance could do was stare at him. His mind seemed to be in a whole other world where the only thoughts that consumed his mind were those of Keith's face.

"Whatever dude! Let's go then" Hunk sighed, opening the driver's seat door. Lance stuck his hands in the pockets of his sweatshirt feeling a piece of paper that wasn't there before. He slowly pulled the paper out of his pocket, unfolding it and blushing at the words written "call me~ xxx-xxx-xxxx." He smiled to himself, opening the passenger's seat door.

Time skip brought to you by the power of All Might and Anime...

Lance stared at the piece of paper in his hands, his phone laying on his chest.

"C'mon Lance, just text him or something" he mumbled to himself "You've got this Lance." He picked up his phone. Typing the numbers in one by one.

To: Unknown Number

Hey it's Lance,

"C'mon Lance be cool, say something hot." he says to himself.

To: Unknown Number

Hey it's Lance, I'd love to finish what we started soon~

He quickly pressed send, throwing his phone across the room afterwards. "Why am I so nervous I do this all the time." he looked at his phone that laid on the floor "What is it about him that's different? Maybe it's because he's Shiro's brother... Yea, that's gotta be it" The phone beeps...

"Fuck Fuck FUCK" He picks up his phone. Two new texts from Unknown Number...

From: Unknown Number

How soon?

From: Unknown Number

Cause i'm free now 😉

Lances face grew red.

To: Unknown Number

Now would be great😘

From: Unknown Number

Here's my address, xxxxxxxxx

Lance jumped off his bed. Slowly opening his door he checked for Hunk. Once he was sure the halls were clear he quickly made his way to the front door, Grabbing the keys on the way. He quickly started the car driving to the address he was given, which was luckily only a few minutes away. He bounced up and down in his seat the whole ride, He hadn't been this Horny in forever. As he pulled up to the address Keith gave him his mind seemed to go crazier when he saw the familiar bike parked up front.

Lance opened the car door, heading slowly towards the front door.

Knock Knock

Lance stood there, hands fidgeting within his pockets. The door opened revealing Keith with his hair tied into a messy bun, no shirt, and boxer briefs. The moment Keith saw Lance he grabbed his arm pulling him into the house. He quickly pushed Lance onto the couch and crawled into his lap.

"Fuck, your hot" Lance whispered into Keith's ear, his lips brushing against his ear. Lance quickly moved his lips away from Keith's ear and captured him in a kiss. Lance bit Keith's lip causing it to open. He quickly slipped his tongue into Keith's mouth, Keith moaning softly. Keith runs his hands up and Lance's back. Keith tugs at the hem of Lance's shirt, knowing what Keith meant by that gesture he pulled away from the kiss and took off his shirt then reconnecting his lips with Keith's. Keith pulls off his shirt and throws it onto the floor. Keith lunged forward at Lance's neck and started to suck on it while small whimpers escape from Lance's mouth. Lance pushes Keith away to look into his eyes and smirks. Lance then switched positions with Keith and Lance was on top of Keith. Lance kissed Keith filled with lust, he started inching his way down his jawline to his neck. He gave Keith a couple hickey's he might want to cover up. Lance's eyes widened when he started to feel something poke against his thigh.

"Keith can it wait I'm not done teasing you yet..." Lance giggles smirking. Glancing at his hard member. "Actually... lay on your stomach."

"What?"Keith asks.

"You heard me lay on your stomach!" Keith turned over on the couch Lance tugging at his boxers. Keith takes them off. Lance takes his clothes off, "Open your mouth and suck" Lance orders while putting his fingers in front of Keith's face. Keith starts to suck for a little bit.

 " AHHHH" Keith yells as Lance pushes his fingers into Keith slowly pumping in and out soon to become a scissoring motion. Keith lets out small moans as he was leaning into Lance's finger. He pulls his fingers out of Keith.

"Are you ready Keefy?" Lance asks him, Keith replies with a "Fuck me bitch" Lance's eyes widen at Keith's words and he pushes in Keith. Keith lets out a relieving moan. Lance thrusts maybe a little to hard for Keith's liking and yelled. After a few more thrusts Lance becomes sloppy, "I'm gonna cum" which is followed by a "me too" from Keith. Lance pulls out before he would cum and Keith started to suck on Lance's dick. Lance's fluids flooded Keith's mouth, Keith swallows all of the cum. He licks all over to attempt to clean up the mess that he had left.

They both decided that was enough and they got dressed as Lance was about to leave he smirked, " See you next time Keef".

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