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Hoeok's room door clicked open. Jungkook went to eat hours ago, and I was left here on the bed. Namjoon stepped into the room, looking at me. I sat up, as he gave me a smile.

"We're back, seora. Jin wanted me to tell you," he said walking into the room and standing in front of the door.

"Jin said you can use the washroom and shower now if you need to. I'll leave the door open for you," whatever Namjoon flew past my mind as I thought back to Jungkook. I hoped that he would be okay now that everyone was back.



After taking a shower, I walked into Hoseok's room to find three pairs of clothes laid out on the bed. I said a silent thank you to Jin and started to change, putting on a sweatshirt and leggings until hearing screams from behind the bedroom door.

"Jungkook please go back to your room!" Jin yelled, as I watched him back a away from Jungkook through the small light of the door.

"No I want to know why you did it! Why did you let Hoseok risk his life for you!" Jungkook held Jin against the wall clasping onto his throat.

"You were there Jeon Jungkook, you already know what happened, please, please, please stop asking me this question," Jin choked out, Jungkook held onto his neck tighter, before letting go and leaving to his room.

I was mad. Just because Jungkook was in pain didn't give him the authority to push away and hurt everyone around him. The guys would always try to calm him down or offer help, yet he would still refuse.

On the way to brush my teeth in the washroom, I encountered Jungkook's room door wide open. He was lying on the bed, staring at the ceiling.

"Why do you feel the need to always hurt everyone that's around you?" I said quietly while walking closer to his doorframe. Jungkook turned to the other side.

For a second I thought he was going to speak, but he just lay there facing the other side.


Jungkook looked down at me on Hoseok's bed.

"Do you ever miss him?" he sighed, acting as if it wasn't weird for him to be in my room late at night. How did he even unlock the door?

"Miss who?" I asked confused.

"Your boyfriend," My eyes widened as I heard his words.

"Sometimes. But now I know he's not coming back, he's in a better place now," Jungkook hesitated flipping his hair back.

"You can't keep fighting Jin you know, he's looking out for you," he rolled his eyes as I sat up at the edge of the bed.

"You don't know what he's fucking done to me. What he's done to all of us princess," I gave him a hard look. We were back to using princess.

"Hey can I sleep here tonight?" he questioned, changing the subject. I was hesitant to let him to, but he would be coming back here tonight anyways if he had a nightmare.

"Sure, but not on the bed," Jungkook nodded his head, and lay down on the floor, beginning to sleep.


I gave Jungkook one last look before creeping out of the room and into the hallway. I made my way downstairs to see Jin and Jimin sitting in the living room.

"Hey," Jin uttered while watching something on the tv.

"Saw Jungkook in your room a while ago," Jin turned away from the tv facing me.

"Yeah, he came in randomly last night," I showered so I-"

"See she's already lying, I told you we can't trust her," Jimin scowled, staring at me. I became tense. I couldn't tell them what was going on with me and Jungkook. That wasn't fair to him.

"I'm sure she's not lying, I made coffee if you want some," Jin smiles at me. I can't help but wonder why he's so nice to me. I walked over to the kitchen picking up the mug that sat for me on the counter. As I started to walk back to Hoseok's room. Jin started talking again.

"I'll be leaving the door open during the day for you now," I nodded my head continuing to walk back to my room, until my mind wandered back to Jungkook. He's probably thirsty, so I went back to the kitchen to grab a glass of water before running upstairs.


"Jungkook!" I screamed from the hallway. The bottle of pills dropped from his hand as he saw me. He gave me a slight smile trying to play it off.

"Jungkook, what are you doing?" I grabbed the pills, and looked up at him.

"It's nothing, just go back to your room,"

"Why are you doing this to yourself?" Jungkook shook his head.

"It's nothing, go back to your room,"

"It's not nothing Jungkook I'm here to listen," Jungkook gave me a cold stare.



"Jungkook you're going to fall again, can't you just tell me down here," I shouted up at Jungkook whose head hung down from the roof. According to him, he sits there quite often, but somehow last time he fell just climbing out of his window.

"Just come, trust me," he let down his hand, and I held onto it as he pulled me up. I crawled onto the roof, trembling.

"It's too high, can we go back?" I pulled my knees up to my chest, cold.

"You'll be fine," Jungkook lay down on the shingled roof, as I stayed sitting.

" I was eight when my parents died and Hoseok and I went to live with my aunt," I didn't respond, waiting for him to keep speaking.

"I hated staying with her. So once Hoseok graduated we moved into this house with Hoseok's best friend, Jin," he paused, "Then, Hoseok moves in with his older brother. Everything was fine for a while, I graduated high school and I really had nothing else to do. Hoseok found a really good way for us to make money quickly and I joined in," he took in a deep breath.

"Anyways, we got involved pretty fast Jimin and the others came along. Before I even knew it we went from kidnapping people to killing them. It was fine though. Until people started getting on our backs. That's when Hoseok died," I looked down at the tears already streaming down Jungkook's face.

"It's never been the same fskldfksl," he choked between his words, "it's never been the same,"

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