Chapter 6

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  Down in the murky hold of the ship, Eva remains, her arms stretched out from the chains constant pulling as small streams of blood leak out from the shackles that have been bound much to tight to her wrist. She mumbles to her self behind the metal mask that they placed around her face as she looks around.

As she stirs, one of the pirates from up above comes down to inspect the prisoners. He is a tall, gangly man, his skin a pale green color from who knows what kind of illnesses. The man walks over to one of the women tied up down the way from Eva."Well aren't you a bonny little lass" He says while licking his lips his breath putrid and vomit inducing, The woman gags at the smell and he laughs."I like the look of you, missy. you're coming with me!"He strikes her face, the hit so hard it causes her to fall unconscious. As the pirate unlatches her chains and goes to pick her up Eva screams as loud as she can in the stifling metal mask, shaking her shackles and riding around like a mad woman, she finally gets the sickly pirates attention. He places the woman back down and walks over to Eva caring his stench with him.

"Oh and what is this you would rather me take you instead? Hmm, I always knew the women couldn't resist me. "He smirks disgustingly before he pauses having remembered Ryarks commands about Eva. "Hmm, I would have to say that you are worth facing the captain's anger."He says as he runs a slimy hand down her side and she recoils at his touch." Oh playing hard to get eh? Well, my lady, I guess what the captain doesn't know, won't hurt him. Alternatively, and more importantly, it won't hurt me." He grins revealing what few teeth he has left to be black and rotting."Let us see what's behind that mask." The man says as he removes the mask from her face and before he can react she bites down on his hand, and he growls in pain as he pulls away from her. Before he can say a thing, she spits in his face."

"If you touch any of these women so help me, anything you touch them with I will shove down your throat."She hisses as she pulls at the chains, blood continuing to trickle from her wrist. Suddenly from the corner of her eye, she sees a cloaked figure hidden in the darkness, how long he had been there she was unsure, but the figure raises a finger as if to silence her as he walks up behind the pirate, the man's footsteps were silent and unnoticeable.

The pirate goes to strike Eva in the same manner as the other woman, but before his blow lands the cloaked figure reaches out and catches his wrist and in a sign of power a twist of the man's wrist. a crack of his bones brings the pirate to his knees before he can scream out in pain the cloaked figure covers his mouth and strikes him across the face." That was for the woman. "He says in a hushed tone before leaning into the man's face. "And this is for my wife!"He says as he punches the pirate in the throat crushing his vocal cords. He drops the man as he passes out from the pain.

Eva's eyes go wide with joy. "Felix!"She exclaims in hushed delight before giving him a serious look."Cutting it a little close hmm ?"

The man lowers his hood revealing Uriah's father. In a fit of passion, he pulls her close and embraces her in a loving kiss. " I was simply pausing for effect my sweet."He kisses her again." Come let's get out of here Uriah will be looking for us."

"We can't."She says with a sigh" Felix, the captain. He, he knows what I am.

A look of worry covers Felix's face." That's impossible. How would he know?"

"I am unsure, but it has something to do with these other women. She motions to the other prisoners around her. We can't let him do whatever it is he is planning." She says to him in dismay.

Felix pauses for a moment, looking at the pirate that lays unconscious on his side. I think I know a way, but you will have to trust me."

Eva nods."Always my love!"She says with a smile as he kisses her once more. before standing up, he reaches down and picks up the pirate, tossing him over his shoulder."I love you, Eva." He says as he vanishes back into the shadows, to find his way to the main deck.

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