It's Not Technically A Plan

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 Newt wasn't exactly a fighter, and he was very aware of that. Despite his entire body telling him to run after Y/N and take her back from the Cranks, his best option was to head back to the others and get help. Jorge would probably know the best course of action to take and Minho and Jorge could easily take down a few cranks on their own.

The blonde boy raced towards the group a few hundred metres ahead, his pace slowed from his limp. It was at times like this he wished he could replace his leg with a new one, or reverse the events of that day. All it did was impair his body and burden his mind. As he stumbled into the group, his breaths were heavy and face was flushed, making his exhaustion uncomfortably apparent.

"Where's your girlfriend, Newtie?" Minho snickered, scanning the area for Y/N. The others laughed along with him, a sound Newt hand't heard in a while. If it weren't for Y/N being kidnapped, it would sound far sweeter and he'd gladly join in.

"She's not—ugh!" Newt ran his hands through his hair and grumbled, trying to screw his head on straight. It wasn't until this moment that he realized how scrambled his mind was from what had just happened.

Minho shifted his weight and scoffed. "You okay, man?"

"No!" He snapped. "Y/N's gone! Some Cranks just showed up and took her!" The boy turned his body around so quickly to point to the alleyway she disappeared down, he may as well have given himself whiplash. When he turned back to face his friends, his frantic eyes met only pale faces and wide eyes. Either no one believed him, or they were just as horrified as he was.

"Full blown Cranks or half-goners?" Jorge carefully stepped closer to Newt.

"Half-goners for sure, the crazies you were talking about." Newt said breathlessly. "They said something about getting paid out for her."

"Ahhh," Jorge groaned. "I know those guys. Always kept trying to take Brenda and I's supplies. Their hideout isn't far from here, let's go!"

The man took off, but no one really followed. They looked to Minho for that direction. "Don't we need a plan?"

Jorge scoffed, a wicked, insane smile growing on his face. "Since when were you one for plans, hermano?"

"Uhm—Well, we do need to keep her alive—"

"No plan will help you with these crazies," Jorge said blankly. "You could spend days planning and they will still manage to hit you with the last thing you'd expect."

"Mkay, well, you do know best out here." Minho shrugged. "Let's go everybody! To save Newt's love before he dies of a broken heart!"


"Brenda?" With panicked eyes, Y/N locked gazes with Brenda. She too was being held back by a Crank, one with long dark hair and pitted eyes. They weren't fully gone, and unless Y/N already knew they were Cranks, she might have just assumed they were only majorly sleep deprived people.

There too, to Y/N's surprise was Thomas. He was already being pinned down into an old rickety chair, hands tied behind his back. The Cranks had taken the three of them into a windowless basement of some kind of old, abandoned building. It seemed as if with the wrong step, the floorboards would disintegrate or the walls would collapse in. For better or for worse, that hadn't happened yet.

All three kids now sat extremely uncomfortably in the wooden chairs, the crazies who had captured them staring at them hungrily. That awful silence went on until a man, one seeming farther gone than the rest clambered down the stairs unevenly and stumbled into the room.

"I got a good one, boss." The crazy clamping down on Y/N's arm so hard it was cutting off circulation, said. "Maybe it's this one WICKED's out for."

Koev Halev (Newt x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now