Chapter 1

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Amirul's POV

The next day I woke up later than usual. I usually would be awake by 9 a.m, but yesterday's event was a handful and it had drained all of my energy. Drowsily, I started walking slowly to the bathroom so that I could freshen up and brush my teeth. My cellphone rang as I was brushing my teeth while shamelessly checking myself out at the bathroom mirror (cause everyone does that). Feeling annoyed I went out of the bathroom after having one last glance at my reflection and pick up my phone that was lying on my study table, feeling curious 'Who in their right mind would call me this early in the morning!?'
I answered the phone call .

I answered it and was a bit shocked that it was from a good friend of mine, Khalif.


an: Sa is the name that his friends would use to address him.

"Sa... I... ummm... can we meet up? I really need your help with something." Khalif said, the way he said it kinda emits a weird and unsettling vibe.

"What is it this time?" I tried to say it without any hint of annoyance in my voice. This is the FIRST time that he had ask me for my help for something that he claim he didn't do ON PURPOSE. *sarcasm intended*

"Sa, I'M SERIOUS! I swear It's... it's different this time." Khalif said.

He sounded desperate almost pleading and sincere this time around. Sighing I reluctantly gave in to his words.

"Where and when?" three words with two simple questions was all that came out from my mouth.

"The usual place, a quarter after 2, is that okay?" Khalif replied.

"Okay then." and I ended the call. Another sigh came out of my mouth. 'Geez... I need to stop sighing'

'What in the world happened this time?' Was all I could think of right now.

I wasted no time, pulled my lazy ass from the bed I put one foot on the floor lifted the other(s) in turn and then made my way to the bathroom to finish what I've started before i was interrupted by Khalif's phone call. Made myself prepared to face what ever is it that made Khalif so... un-Khalif.

Grabbed my keys and rushed down the stairs. As I made my way to the kitchen, I couldn't help but notice that the house was oddly more serene than usual. Ever since my father got a new project in his hands. He's rarely been at home. I would only see him at midnight and that usually wouldn't last for more than half an hour. My mother on the other hand, is quite occupied with her charity works. Helping people, caring for them since she was a munificent patron on the poor. Both of them had been on the run ever since I finished my studies.

I was so lost in my thoughts, until my phone buzzed and it broke me from my train of thoughts. I quickly dismissed those thoughts and composed myself, clearing my throat I calmly unlock my phone.

A text from Khalif.

'On my way! You better be there when I get there!!'.

Rolling my eyes, I tucked my phone back safely in my back pocket.

'Geez... what a great friend you are. You're probably not even in your car yet. Pfft.' I thought to myself. I waste no time and quickly hopped on into the car and drove my way to our usual hangout place.

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