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003.the chinese calendar

PAIRING; Percy Jackson x Reader

REQUEST; You hate him because you felt forgotten; you didn't get the credit you deserved after helping him save the world. He knows that you hate him, but doesn't know why, so he keeps bugging you to find out. You tell him and he apologizes, and you start talking, and somehow start liking/loving each other

DATE; March 20th, 2019


TIME; After the Blood of Olympus


WARNING; Betrayal, angst, bad words,

A/N; I am so so sorry this took so freaking long. I just haven't had the motiviation to write for Percy in a while. But I hope you like this piece of crap. I feel like I kept dragging it out because I didn't know how to end it and believe me the ending is shit. But I swear to god if i look at this thing once more I am going to gauge my eyes out. so here it is. enjoy!

REQUESTED BY; KayzeeDamPotter_fan

TRAILER; in which a girl thought a boy forgot about her after he gains new popularity.


Step One: Let him believe you are friends again.

Drumming her fingers against the wooden table, Y/N waited. She shouldn't have been too surprised at Rachel's tardiness. The Sixteen-Year-Old couldn't remember the last time her best friend had actually been on time.

Just as she was about to check her watch again, Rachel came in with a flurry of loud apologies and loose papers threatening to fall out of her arms. "It's fine," Y/N said waving the apology away, "I told you the time was fifteen minutes earlier than when I planned to arrive here. So, I wasn't waiting too long."

Rachel snorted, "You're lucky I have even agreed to listen to this. You know if you are caught with your plans and they are in any way dangerous to Percy, I could be kicked out of camp for just knowing."

"I'm not planning to kill him! Just mess with him a little, I won't even be inflicting any pain on him."

"Wow, that makes me feel so much better! Besides, I don't even have a problem with him." Rachel exclaimed, throwing her hands up in the air being the usual over-dramatic person she is. She knew Rachel was lying, even it only was a minor white lie. No one could not hold a grudge towards a person after they rejected them.

Rolling her eyes and flashing Rachel a look, she grabbed her plans out and laid them in front of her. She didn't have time for her dramatics but it was still fun to tell her off. "Oh, stop being dramatic."

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