αλήθεια ή τόλμη και άλλες τελετές - Percy Jackson

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006. truth or dare and other rituals 

PAIRING; Percy Jackson x Reader

REQUEST; "Keep your hands off my girl."

REQUESTED BY; trexs346


DATE; June 28th, 2020


WARNING; bad words, 

A/N; I just want to apologize in advance because this is just pure shit. To my lovely requester, please feel free to pm me if you hate it. I am totally willing to re-write it. I just really struggled with this one and I hate how it turned out. 

As you can see, I really cannot decide who is the perfect percy face claim. The dude in the previous chapter looks more like what i would imagine him to look like than most. But at the same time, rick describes percy like he gets more and more intimidating as he gets older and in the words of hazel he looks like a roman god. so, like i feel like logan lerman is perfect because he gets more and more attractive as he gets older, and in my opinion that makes him more intimidating. but i dunno, who is your face claim for percy? i need help ahhh. 

TRAILER; in which the gang plays truth or dare with a twist. 

All Y/N wanted in the entire world was one marshmallow fluff and peanut butter sandwich. But no, it had to be banned because of the stupid Demeter counselor in front of her. He was literally the son of the god of plants! Yet he was allergic to peanuts! Which were plants! It was the most ironic thing she had ever heard of, like Annabeth breaking up with Percy the day after the war ended, completely unexpected yet she still did it anyway.

"It would be entirely dangerous to all of us anti-peanut eaters," Allan announced snottily to Mr.D, who looked like he wanted to be anywhere other than here.

Just like her, he seemed to losing his patience and quickly cut Allan off, "Andy-"

"It's Allan."

"Don't interrupt me," Dionysus snapped, and Y/N felt a surge of pride towards her director. It was rather strange to be thankful for him of all people, but her opinion of him had changed once he had thanked Percy for all he had done for the Olympians. Not one god, other than his Father, had portrayed their gratitude towards him despite it being very well deserved. "Now, Andy, fortunately, your time is up for talking about," he paused and then grimaced, "Whatever you were talking about. Are we done here?"

Y/N took a deep breath to calm her shaking fingers. She had been twisting her earring non-stop for the past five minutes, and now that the time had finally come Y/N felt a serene feeling wash over her. She couldn't think, and Y/N was pretty sure her brain had gone on auto-pilot. It didn't matter though because Y/N had her entire speech memorized and a laminated sheet of paper just in case she forgot anything. Y/N also had handouts that Percy was currently passing out to everyone as she stood to present.

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