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Sergeant Tobias Lorik read the files he was sent as he sat in his cot. The ship he was on was in transit to their new war zone giving him ample time to look over the reports and try to plan for the battles to come. 'Another rebellion turned to chaos' he thought casually. What really caught his attention about the whole situation was how young their leader was. Twenty years old, about how long he had been a guardsmen. He knew anyone that young with that much power was either someone very special or very mad. In his experience it was the latter or sometimes both.

Corporal Yuri Sher was in the cot across from him checking and rechecking his medical equipment. Tobias looked up from the files "Throne sakes Yuri we're still at least a month out from our destination you'll be fine." Corporal Sher was the Misfit Squad's medic and second in command, he had just turned thirty but his face remained youthful and his blond hair in the same short neat cut it had always been in. "It's better to be over prepared rather then under prepared sergeant. Besides, regulation says we should be prepared every second of every day."

Yuri's reply was a formal as usual but Tobias was never fazed by it "and common sense says it's good for the mind to relax a little before going into hell. I hear it's going to get nasty where we're going." "And just here are we going old man?"  Private Jasper Williams interjected standing between the cots. Jasper was as reckless they come, how he survived to be twenty-five is a mystery to Tobias especially with his reputation of being a junky and demolition expert. "I'm forty years old private that's not old" the sergeant said slightly annoyed.

Williams only smiled "in terms of our line of work that's pretty old." "He's got you there sir" Private Edward Severus said holding back a giggle. Severus was a sanctioned mutant and communications specialist, his large eyes and sharp canines made him stick out among his baseline comrades, not that it ever bothered them. "Who's side are you on kid? Yuri you don't think I'm that old right?" Tobias said looking for some backup. Yuri only looked up for a brief moment before replying gesturing to the specks grey on Tobias's head "being old is a sign of skill in the Imperial Guard, I've heard it said that gray hairs are a mark of pride for veterans."

"the three of you can kiss my ass" the sergeant said playfully giving them the middle finger. He looked around "has anyone seen Gavin around? He's been a little distant lately." "How is that surprising, he has the social graces of a servitor" Jasper said "he's probably off being alone with his thoughts." Tobias sighed and got up well I'm going to go find him" he left the three men as he walked out of the room into the halls of the ship.

Tobias came to the gym where he saw Gavin training with a bag, practicing his strikes. The Sergeant watched from a distance admiring the younger mans fire before he spoke up "you know those things don't hit back." Gavin turned as saluted his superior only for the Sergeant to laugh "at ease trooper the commissar isn't around. I thought I'd find you here, that's why I chose you to be on my squad, your always striving to be better." "It's hard to get better when no one is around to spar with." Tobias raised his eyebrow "is that a challenge Private?" He said in mock shock "after going on a hot streak you think your all that?" Gavin merely rolled his eyes, he was used to his Sergeant's games and decided to follow along "I don't think I'd have a problem."

The Private had always been bad with talking to people but the Sergeant was always someone he felt comfortable with. In some cases Gavin saw Tobias as the father he never had but he kept that to himself. Tobias stepped onto the training mat and removed his shirt and boots showing every scar and muscle he earns in his long service. "Is removing your shirt really necessary?" Gavin asked as he got into a combat stance. Tobias took no stance "your doing a lot of talking and not any fighting" the Private rushed him only for the more experienced guardsmen to sidestep and plant is knee in Gavin's gut, causing him to double over.

"Taking the Initiative does always not guarantee victory, acting to rashly could end you your death. Remember to analyze your opponent and have a plan of action." Tobias took a step back letting Gavin pick himself up, helping him would be an insult to the younger mans pride. "I'll remember that" Gaivin approached with more caution this time keeping his hands raised to defend himself. He started with a flurry of punches but Tobias deflected them, clearly working to keep his defense up. Gavin fainted a right and caught his opponent with a left to the ribs causing Tobias to move back from the hit.

Gavin went for another hit but this time Tobias caught his arm and threw him over his shoulder. Gavin hit the ground with a thud and saw a fist coming his way, only for it to stop when the klaxon alarm sounded signaling they were leaving real space. Tobias looked up at the alarm in concern "somethings not right, we shouldn't be out of our warp jump for a while." He helped Gavin up "come on, we need to get back with the rest of the squad and find out what on Terra is going on." The two guardsmen made their way out of the gym and towards the barracks unaware of the the danger to come.

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