The Warriors of Voldaria

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(About the regiment)
Voldarian guardsmen hail from the vast under-hives of their home planet making them proficient close quarter and urban combat specialist. They show skill in guerrilla warfare and  are popular shock troopers. However they are weaker in long range battles and battles of attrition without proper support. Another downside is while they are popular against insurgents, many of their numbers hold the upper class of the Imperium in low regard. They try to avoid civilian casualty's and even have been known to make sure civilians are evacuated or out of the crossfire is it can be helped. While they show mercy to civilians, they are known to use any means at their disposal to win. They prefer to fight dirty and smart.

General Callus Valko personally traveled to Crucible with six whole regiments. The 806th (Tobias's regiment), 634th, 212th, 916th, 824th, 573rd, many of which are battle-hardened and eager to serve.

(Special units)
The Burning Men: These men are usually mentally unstable but highly effective combatants often possessing psychopathic or sociopathic tendencies, they are the worst of the worst. They are usually deployed in squad formations equipped with fire resistant body armor and shotguns loaded with incendiary shells. In intense situations they set themselves on fire and charge the enemy in close quarters or melee combat. Their psychological effect on the enemy make them a potent terror tools.

The Hounds of Voldaria: chosen during basic training but will welcome others into their rank if they past the required test. These men are the elite scouts and assassins of the Voldarian military. Each of them are skillful marksman and we'll honed trackers capable of surviving in most environments indefinitely. To truly become one of them a guardsmen must raise, train, and form a bond with a Voldarian war dog. These war dogs are twice the size of a regular war dog with jaws and steel teeth that can pierce metal and tough skin and muscle to endure the harshest of punishment. The bond between soldier and dog runs deep and the loss of a dog or master is usually traumatizing for the survivor.

(REDACTED): a myth too most, they are the the elite of the elite of Voldarian guard regiments with every soldier being a one man platoon. Their training rivals that of the stormtroopers of the Inquisition and often results in fatalities for trainees. Little is know about them but it is known they possess the best gear, weapons, and armor the deep pockets of the Voldarian treasury can get their hands on. There are many rumors about how to join, some say they are chosen from childhood, some say they are chosen from the best the regimens have to offer, and some even say they are cloned from a legendary guardsmen.

(Members of Misfit Squad)
Sgt. Tobias Lorik: leader of Misfit squad and veteran of almost twenty years, an excellent leader and soldier but has been known to disobey commands if he sees a better option.

Cpl. Yuri Sher: medic and Sgt. Loriks second in command, takes his job seriously and is painfully blunt to the point of being almost always literal.

PFC. Gavin Thomas: excellent tracker and one of the sharpshooters in the regiment, but his shy and awkward nature makes him a wallflower.

Pvt. Jasper Willhelm: demolition junkie and possibly an actual junkie, need to be supervised and kept out of trouble but is an artist with explosives and fire.

Pvt. Edward Severus: commutations expert and the youngest member of the squad, born a mutant and is not stranger to bigotry from the wider Imperium.

(Other characters)
Farah-42: Mechanicus tech priestess assigned to maintain the 806th equipment

Maj. Gregory Spouse: Imperial navy pilot and head of CAS missions on Crucible

Princeps Riehl: commander of warlord titan and commander of Legio

Gen. Callus Valko: overall commander of the Voldarian forces and legend among his men

Col. David Shor: commander of the 806th and ruthless tactician

Sergio Bollaert: 806th's Commissar who leads by example and strength

Lt. Eli Halwood: tank commander of the Leman Russ 'Steel Wolf' and officer in the 212th Voldarian Armoured Division

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