Trail By Fire

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Ahead of the invasion force laid almost two hundred miles of trenches after trenches separated by no-mans-land, fortified by bunkers and heavy weapons emplacements. Beyond that hellscape was one of Crucible's major space ports, their primary objective. Taking such a vital port would give Imperial forces in the continent access to a vital supply line from the fleet and a excellent place to set up a headquarters while trying to take back this section of the planet. The port itself was made into a fortress with walls mounted with artillery pieces and garrisoned with Emperors knows how many Chaos fanatics. It was projected many would die taking it but many more would die if they didn't hold such a vital position, the few would have to be sacrificed for the bigger picture, such is the life of a guardsmen. But first they needed the Voldarians to gain a foothold so reinforcements could safety land, then the battle could really begin.

Tobias yelled for his men to find cover as a hail of projectiles ranging from slugs, las bolts, and rockets flew past or through the Voldarians. A massive mortar shell struck a few meters ahead of the squad and another hit the treads of the Leman Russ, disabling it. Other shells wiped out entire squads or left a number of unlucky guardsmen missing limbs, further pushing the surviving Voldarians to make it to any form of protection from the lead storm.

Seeing an opportunity the sergeant got his men behind the disabled Leman Russ as the front of the tank was still being pelted by the enemy. As if the Emperor heard the prayers of the guardsmen below four squads of Valkyries armed with a full payload descended from the clouds dropping smoke screens for the infantry's advance before turning their missile pods towards the enemy emplacements.

"Forward in the name of the Emperor and Imperium!" Commisar Bollaert yelled out drawing his chain sword and bolt pistol, firing a few shots through the smoke. The Voldarians affixed bayonets and made a mad dash towards the enemy lines to close the distance between them.

The first groups of cultist, still stunned from the bombardment stood little chance against the charging guardsmen as they where cut down like wheat to a scythe. Soon enough they got their bearings and fought back turning the field into a blood bath. Firearms where shot at point blank range, blowing bloody holes into their targets, bayonets and other melee weapons hacked flesh and shattered bones, and the occasional explosive detonated taking both friend and foe.

Tobias dodged a club aimed at his head and dug his bayonet under the cultist's third rib straight into the foes heart before pulling the trigger, creating a large hole in the upper chest. Before the corpse could even hit the dirt another man charged the sergeant only to be gunned down by his las fire. The guardsmen took down a number of cultist with his lasgun before a heavy blow knocked him into the ground sending his weapon flying. Tobias rolled to see a muscular follower of Khorne swinging his axe downward towards him. The Voldarian rolled out of the way and kicked behind the warrior's knees followed by a kick to jaw. Using the momentum of the last kick, Tobias got on his feet and drew his combat axe and knife, taking a stance.

The warrior spat out a mouthful of blood and came at the guardsmen in a frenzy swinging wildly as the veteran parried and dodged the hammer while slashing limbs, slowing down his opponent with every well aimed strike. Enraged, the follower of Khorne charged the guardsmen yet again only for his target to swiftly evade at the last second. Tobias got behind the cultist and sliced the back of the neck where the skull meets the spine, killing the blood god's follower instantly.

The Sergeant rolled and quickly picked up a shotgun from the ground, blasting a cultist trying to get close, this was going to be a long day. Gavin Tomas stayed behind the rest of the 806th picking off anyone who seems like they could pose a major threat, hitting each of his targets center mass with his modified long las rifle. The brutality of his comrades showed in close combat often reminded the private that their home planet does not produce soldiers but killers. Sure basic training and time spent in the PDF molded them into guardsmen but at their core they where still under-hivers raised in a fight or die environment.

Sergeant Tobias killed his first man at seven, Gavin killed his at twelve, and he assumed the others got over their first kill jitters at a young age as well. Gavin inhaled and took the head off a cultist trying to attack a guardsmen from behind, the extreme heat of the las bolt instantly cauterized the corpse's neck preventing any blood from spilling out.

"Rocket launcher team three o'clock, seventy meters, near the smoldering heavy stubbier emplacement" Private Vulter said to Gaven, looking through binoculars. The sniper adjusted his scope and zeroes in on the cultist aiming at an advancing Leman Russ. Protecting the tanks was his top priority as they would be vital in taking the first few lines of trenches. He squeezed the trigger killing the rocket operator causing his to prematurely pull the trigger blowing him and his comrades to oblivion.

"Damn wallflower, no wonder they tell us to watch out for the quiet ones" the mutant said with a grin. Gavin kept his focus on the enemy dropping a few every so often "what's that's supposed to mean?" He asked genuinely curious. Vulter looked at him and shook his head "I'll tell you when your older."

After an hour of bloody combat the 806th and 212th had successfully taken the first trench line and established a foothold for the assault. Casualties there in the hundreds but where still much lower then initially expected. Sergeant Lorik along with Vulter and Thomas helped set up the defensive line for the new FOB, Corporal Sher being one of the few medics with actual surgical training did what he did best, and Willhelm was disposing of the dead cultist via flamethrower with a little to much enthusiasm.

"Get your asses in gear ladies we don't know when they may launch a counter attack, I don't know about you but I'd like some cover if that happens" Tobias yelled out as the worked on requisitions with a data pad. Edward and Gavin followed their NCO as the veteran checked and double checked the newly made emplacements. "Vulter, go help set up communications with command, reinforcements should be here soon and we need to be in the loop." The mutant nodded and jogged towards the makeshift command tent, happy to be doing something that isn't spotting or standing around.

"I think that went well" Gavin said only for Tobias to chuckle "that was only the beginning kid, we still have a long way to go but it's a good start." The sergeant took out his flask and took a swig before handing it to his subordinate. The young man sipped it before spitting it out in a coughing fit "Emperor's mercy sir, was that gasoline?" Tobias laughed as he took back the flask "it's moonshine so your not to far off." It was common knowledge due to the lack of clean water, air, and food in Voldaria's under-hive its  inhabitants developed a stronger resistance to toxicity. Their bodies had adapted to the point that they could a raw hive rat or drink polluted water without any major harm done to their body.

"So what are our orders?" The private asked standing next to his superior. Tobias looked out at no-mans-land seeing the field of barbwire and promises of death to any that dare cross it.

"We hold out until the big guns arrive"

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 29, 2020 ⏰

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