Unwelcomed guest

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Sergeant Lorik and Private First Class Thomas made their way to the barracks to see the rest of the squad gearing up for combat. "Yuri, what's the situation?" Making his way to the own gear. "Apparently there has been a breach in the geller field coming from the lower levels of the ship, the officers are calling for a number of kill teams to clear it out before we return to the warp" Severus said strapping on his flack jacket. The air was thick with tension as the prospect of fighting deamons dawned on them. Tobias and Yuri have had experience fighting the neverborn but the rest of the squad did not, the sergeant knew this was going to be a less than pleasant learning experience.

Once Misfit was armed up and ready, their sergeant voxed command for their orders. The four other guardsmen waited for orders they knew where going to not like. When Tobias finally got off the vox in his helmet he turned to his men stoned faced "they are sending us and six other squads to remove what should be a minor deamon breach, so naturally we need to assume it's a lot worse then they they say it is." Jasper was the first to speak up "how do we know we can kill those things?" His expression is was one of worry which was rare in him but the situation warranted it. "Nothing is invincible, we have the advantage since the ship is now in real space so they'll be weaker." Yuri's words proved little comfort but they at least brought some assurance that they could survive.

The march to the service elevator to the lower levels was quiet. The ship itself was a space-born city like many warships in the Imperial Navy and could house at least a million souls, perfect for transporting army's into a war zone. The ship was named "Star Madian" a pretty name for an ugly ship. It's hull was armored and littered with gun batteries to protect its crew and transport ships that ferry's its passengers to whatever hell their meant to be in. The Maiden's escort ships were ships of similar make but they where of smaller scale, they transported the vehicles, supplies, munitions, and other vital equipment for a campaign and maintaining one.

As the squad descend down to the lower levels a sense blankets the soldiers. Tobias picking up on the squads feelings spoke "be brave men, they can literally smell fear. If you let your emotions get the better of you your a dead man. The Emperor protects" "the Emperor protects" they responded. The doors opened to reveal darken corridors and from what Tobias could see plenty of opportunities to be ambushed. "Command this is misfits how copy?" There was a pause of static before a reply "I hear loud and clear Misfit, all other squads are on search and destroy. The objective is straightforward, hunt and kill any and all warp tainted monstrosities."

"Copy that, Misfit is on the hunt." All five guardsmen turned on the flashlights on their lasguns and began their sweep. As they moved deeper into the catacombs of the ship the air became thick and unease blanked them like fog. The hallways where narrow and dark, not unlike the Voldarian under-hives many of the guardsmen grew up in. A faint rattling could be heard from the pipes and the scurrying of rats. The slightest noice sent the would set the soldiers on edge.

"Havoc squad, what's your sitrep?" There was static. Tobias sighed "come on Recker pick up the dam-" a bloodcurdling scream could be heard from down the hall followed by the sound of las shots. "Move!" The sergeant ordered as he and his men rushed towards the sound of combat.

What they found was akin to something out of a nightmare. Bodies where scattered across the hall with their blood and entrails painting the corridors red. Havoc squad was wiped out completely by what seemed to be a rabid beast, but they knew what did this was much worse. Tobias kept his weapon leveled and his head cool, he knew the slightest mistake could cost him his life or worse his very soul.

Not even after moving six meters from the massacre the sound of something moving in the vents above prompted the sergeant to signal his men to hold. "Steady boys, steady" the guardsmen formed a defensive circle and made sure not to stand under any openings in the vents. The air was tense as the soldiers waited to be attacked but after a minute Tobias gave an all clear "its not attacking now but be on your guard." The moved up only a few paces when a monstrous creature with tentacles and a birds beak lunged at him from the darkness. The sergeant only had time to used his lasgun as a shield to push away his attacker, his childhood in a dark under-hive was the only reason he was able to react in time. The beast jumped once again and swiped at him and the next thing he knew


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