Chapter 7 - Friday Night Plans

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It's a Friday afternoon, about two weeks after the attack on the USJ. You were finally fully recovered...well, maybe not mentally, but other than that, you felt physically fine. Meanwhile, Shouta finally got his bandages and annoying arm sling that he resented so much removed. However, he was left with a scar on the right side of his face just underneath his eye. Nemuri liked teasing him about it a lot though. She would always say that his new scar made him look hot and more attractive. She was only being friendly though, nothing serious in that kind of way. As for Thirteen, she was doing okay as well, her back was still slowly but surely healing. She did not have any permanent damage thankfully.

You were sitting on the couch with your legs crossed in the teachers' lounge all by yourself. While finally getting the chance to relax after a long day, you started to scroll through your phone, looking at the most latest newsfeed.

You had just finished all you needed to do for your day on the job, leaving you a weekend to recover from your long week.

"I should really start staying up to date with the news." you thought to yourself.

Most of the news was about how All Might stopped multiple different villains.

Just then, Toshinori came walking into the teachers' lounge. He wore a white T-shirt and green khaki pants with a pair of black shoes. You never got the chance to talk to him at all today, so when he came into the room, excitement grew within you.

"Toshinori! Hey!" you greeted him.

He sort of jumped at the sound of your voice. Then, when he turned his head towards you, blood came spewing out of his mouth due to your presence.

Today you decided to wear a tight, black pencil skirt with a red shortsleeved blouse. As for your feet, they had on a black pair of high heels. The lower half of your body's clothing revealed your legs quite a bit, making them look absolutely ravishing. As for the pencil skirt you were wearing, it hugged your curves perfectly.

"Oh my gosh Toshinori! You okay?" you asked as you set down your phone on the coffee table in front of the couch and stood up.

You walked up to him as he began to wipe his mouth with his bare wrist.

"Oh (y/n)! H-hey, yeah I'm fine, just had a long day today." he responded between coughs.

"Yeah? Me too." you added.

"Hey Aizawa." Toshinori greeted after turning his head towards a certain direction.

You looked around but saw no sign of Shouta in the room. That was until you saw something move. It was a big, yellow sleeping bag that rolled over and revealed Shouta's face popping out of the front of it.

"Shouta?" you asked.

Shouta said nothing, he only blinked while maintaining his usual bored look on his face.

"S-so that's what I've been seeing every time I come in here after I'm done working? That b-big, yellow sack of who knows what was you all along?" you asked feeling surprised and slightly worried for a certain reason.

The truth is, whenever you had just passed by Toshinori in the hallway and said a quick hello to him before coming in here after your shift, you would...say quite a few things about him...

"That man is gorgeous."
"I love Toshinori's crystal blue eyes."
"He's so kind."
"Geez, Toshinori's smile though."
"My heart."

Those were only a few things you said about him after you sat down in your usual spot in the teachers' lounge everyday...thinking you were alone the entire time.

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