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Chan hyung, did you see what Changbin commented on AllKpop's post 😔

I did see it yes, what he sad was plain disrespectful.

Do you also find me disgusting? Like, I know I am but I never thought he'd be the one to say it. My idol just called me disgusting and I  just wanna cry

Felix, you are not disgusting. If anyone is disgusting it's Changbin (at this moment) he shouldn't have said what he said. There was no need for it. Don't listen to him, I promise you're amazing and great.

But I'm bad, I'm so bad at Korean, I can't sing nor rap heck I can't even speak it right without messing up. I can't dance. I'm really holding back the group.

Felix, no you're not. You're getting better so quickly it's amazing. I promise you you're not holding back the group. You can sing and rap perfectly fine, you can dance amazingly much better than me. People love you, I love you, the rest of the group love you. Your parents love you, the fans already love you

The fans only love me because of my deep voice and freckles.

They love you because you're you. Yes, they love you because you're an amazing person, because you're talents, have a great personality.

The person who helped me out the most hates me, he called me disgusting chan. I'm going to go. I'm sorry for holding you back from success.

Felix, you're not holding me back from success

✔️seen at 17:55pm


I love chanlix, I love felix he's a baby please protect his baby soul. Also, I'm crying because chanlix are my babies and chan is so nice and I'm just crying.
Imma make this a chanlix book (I'm joking)

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