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Felix, I'm super sorry okay. I know you hate me but you're never off my mind these days. Everyday, I think about how I hurt you. How you used to be a fan and I called you disgusting for no reason. I'm sorry, like I'm really sorry. I love you, like I really love you. Yes, I know you shouldn't believe me or trust me again but this is coming from my heart. You're my favourite out of everyone, you're the one I love. So if you could ever forgive me I'd forever be grateful for because i don't know where I'd be without you anymore. The past few days have been hell, quiet too. I hate it. I hate myself for that comment that made you think you're nothing, worthless and holding the group back, you're none of them. Your Korean is fine, better than some Korean people I know. You're a fast learner and you're learning so quickly it's amazing. You're a amazing dancer, like your body can move in ways I never knew was possible. You're amazing at singing at rapping, which is a hard thing to do. Your vocal range is astounding and I'm jealous. You're an amazing person felix, like one of the best people I know or I've ever met. You're cute, funny, talented. You're not holding the group back if anything you're helping us move even further forward. Okay, I love you felix. If you could just speak to me and forgive me please.

You love me?

Is that all you took out of this?

No, I read it I just....you love me?

Yes felix I love you
So much, like so so much. These past few days without you being near me or with me has been hell and made me realise how much I love you.

No lie?

No lie, I promise.

Okay, I love you too. I miss you too.

I'm sorry, come to my room? We'll talk this out.

Okay hyung, I'm in my way.


✔️ Seen 05:33am


✊🏻 ya boi ✊🏻

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