Alternative ending.

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This is for NamjoonsSexybrainBob WHO KEPT BUGGING ME.

Felix's p.o.v

He was alive.

he was alive.

The paramedics said that they got there just in time.

I'm so happy.

I'm currently sat next to his bed.

The heart monitor steadily moving up and down.

He looks so peaceful.

I don't want to make him do this again.

I've broken up with seungmin.

Actually he broke up with me.

He apparently saw how much I cared about Changbin.

How much I loved him.

He wasn't mad, happy actually.

I hope he's happy to.

I am, happy that is.

'I love you Changbin' I wished into the silence.

I grab his hand, and squeeze a little.

I had to make sure this was real.

He was alive.

I had to make sure it wasn't a dream.

He was so close to being gone.

But he's here.


I felt a squeeze on my hand.

I looked up and saw Changbin waking up.

mHey Changbin' I whisper

'Felix?' Changbin murmurs

'Yes, it's felix' I say

'Oh my god' he yells I'm startled 'I love you'

'I love you too' I say

'No I mean it this time. I wasn't happy with Hyunjin and I need you. I mean it when I say I love you' Changbin rambles

I laugh 'I mean it to Changbin, I love you' I say

We both chatted away until the seeing times were over.

I kissed his forehead and then his cheeks.

He blushed a pretty red.

'I love you' I say one last time before I leave

'I love you to' Changbin whispers back

'I'll see you tomorrow' I say

He nods and I smile before leaving the room.

I smiled to myself.

I am really happy now.

I'll forever be happy as long as Changbin is happy.

I'll forever be his fanboy.


Y'all like? OwO

His fanboy ★  Changlix Where stories live. Discover now