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Felix was nervous as hell, he's finally seeing his idol after so long. A dream come true. Felix was still nervous, what if it's a joke and he wasn't actually coming?

Felix sighed, Changbin wouldn't do that? Would he? Felix day at the table for a good 5 minutes before his phone vibrated with a notification.

SpearB - I'm like 2 minutes out, I'll see you soon ❤️

The red heart made Felix smile wide and made him blush a vibrant red, Felix felt warm inside at the heart, did Changbin actually mean it?

Felix was too caught up in his thoughts to notice the café door opening again, only did Felix snap out of his daydream when he saw movement in front of him. Felix looked up and froze, was it real? Was Changbin actually stood in front of him?

"Hello Felix" Changbin chuckled at the youngers stunned reaction

Felix snapped out of his shocked state and blushed again.

"Hello Changbin" Felix mumbled

"You're voice is deeper than I thought" Changbin laughed "much deeper"

"Thanks?" Felix says confused

"Anyways, what would you like to get, my treat" Changbin ask

"Oh no you don't have to" Felix rushed

"I know I don't have to but I want to okay" Changbin says

Felix sighs, he wasn't going to win so he just nodded and became happy inside when a smile made its way onto chabgbin's face

"Fine, I'll just have a lemonade" Felix says

"Fair enough, is just going to get water, gotta stay hydrated right?" Changbin chuckles and Felix join in

Changbin stands up to get the drinks and laughs to himself at how corny this whole situation is. Felix really thinks about it and realised its like a movie or something.

He likes this person, the person finds him, the person becomes interested and takes them for a small date in a cafe, they normally exchange numbers, date, drama or something, break up the date again and then marry.

Felix got lost in his daydream again whilst Changbin places down the tray he was holding, there were two cupcakes on there two, Changbin offered on to Felix and Felix slowly took it.

"Thank you" Felix says

"You're welcome, now didn't you say you were struggling with your Korean?" Changbin asks

"I was" Felix clarifies

"Then let me help you" Changbin says

Felix nods, he was getting help from his favourite idol, a dream come true. He was learn Korean and hanging out with his fave idol, no one else would know. It was just them.


UwU  ❤️❤️

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