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⚠️Character's death and suicide ⚠️

Felix's p.o.v

He was gone.

They said he was gone.

He was dead.

This is all my fault.

We all sat in the dorm crying.

We really lost a member, a friend. A lover.

It was all my fault.

I hate myself.

Well, since changbin is dead.

The voices keep reminding me of what I said.

I excuse myself and walk off, up their stairs towards the roof.

I sat on the edge of the roof for a while.

Letting the tears stream down my faces no signs of stopping.

'Jump felix' the voices in my head were telling me.

'You killed him by ignoring him and avoiding him. You don't deserve to be alive'

I sobbed into my hands.

The voices.

they were right.

I stood up and let's out a loud breath.

I looked down at the busy streets below.

There's no way I'd survive if I jump.

I close me eyes, I was right on the edge.

One step and I'd be falling.

"I'm coming Changbin, I hope you forgive me" I whisper into the wind.

I let out one last breath.

I stepped forward.

The last thing I heard was the other boys screaming and the wind.

Everything went black.

I was dead.

Finally, I'll see Changbin again. We will be together again.

I love you Changbin.

I always have and I will forever even in death.



You though it'd be happy?

Haha nope I'm tired of doing happy ending so 😔✊🏻

Have a sad ending instead owo

I'm still very suicidal so yeh #depression

Have a nice day (;

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