7 - Disillusionment

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Sidestep, adjust footing.

The attack misses him, leaving his opponent overextended. An opening.

Press the advantage.

He doesn't expect his staff to land its mark, and it doesn't, but it does put Alastor on the defensive. Countering, his mentor lashes out with a blow from the side.

Change stance, block.

Holding his staff out at an angle, its upper half catches its twin before it makes contact of any kind with his head.

End it.

Pulling his weapon backwards, its tip retains its grip on Alastor's staff and sends the other wooden rod flipping into the air behind him. Not wasting a moment, he brings the head of it back down and strikes the older man in the center of his chest.

The force of it knocks his teacher to the ivory floor, a shocked expression overtaking his features. For a moment, the two of them are frozen- their positions as master and pupil reversed at long last.

He stands there, no thought to the slick sweat that beaded along his frons, nor the grains of sand wriggling into his wounds- all that matters to him is the slow widening of Alastor's smile that completely swallows the shock of before and replaces it with that which he has always coveted from his mentor ...



The command comes from his left, and Six immediately retracts his hand, placing the staff in its strap on his back. Rising back onto his feet, Alastor first bows deeply to the one who had spoken, their form hidden in the shadows of the plants hanging over the balcony they watch from. Then, he turns and bows again- to him.

"Our time as mentor and student has concluded," he said warmly, though his tone was tinged with regret- the emotion that always comes as an end approaches. "There is no more for me to teach you- but you have grown into a warrior that I know will bring honor to us."

Stepping forward, Alastor placed his hands on his shoulders. "I am proud of you, as I have always been proud of you- and as I will always be proud of you."

Swallowing hard, Six simply nodded. The urge to embrace his teacher- his former teacher- was powerful, but he resisted. Such an action was unbecoming of his status, and would lessen the meaning of Alastor's gift.

"Primus inter pares."

"Primus inter pares."

Finally, the older man made his exit, leaving only Six and the observer. He waited patiently for the latter to initiate conversation.

"... You have done well."

"I have done what was expected of me," Six replied humbly.

"True- but you have done well, nonetheless."

Walking to the edge of the balcony, they began to descend the stairs that led to the ground below, their elegant, gleaming robes of silver and gold trailing behind their feet. Walking across the ivory floor to where Six stood, they placed a hand on his shoulder.

"Walk with me."

Obliging, he let them lead him away from the sparring platform and onto the warm sands that blanketed the surface of the world they called home. He curled his toes in involuntary satisfaction, feeling their familiar heat travel up through the arches of his feet, and into his legs.

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