9 - Enemies With Benefits

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LE-5 pushed hard and fast, but Ellie was ready for her. When the newer model thrusted forward with an outstretched leg, intent on planting it squarely in her sister's chest, Ellie caught her ankle in a firm grip and rotated sharply to the right. Releasing her hold, she flung the other Nomad into the adjacent wall, watching with satisfaction as LE-5 impacted against it and sent chunks of its plaster flying outward.

Momentarily stuck in the wall, LE-5 pushed herself out and back onto the floor. Lowering her head, she glowered at Ellie.

"My turn."

She closed the gap between them again, sliding along the floor. Ellie tried to cross her arms in front of her, but was a tad slow—LE-5 rose up and delivered a powerful uppercut that sent the older Nomad reeling. Not one to waste an opening, LE-5 began to hammer blow after blow into her stunned target, attempting to land critical hits on vital areas.

Six had to tear his attention away from the two of them, however, as he turned his head and saw Alastor approaching fast. Rolling onto his feet, he ignored the pain in his chest and readied his fists.

"This is foolishness," Alastor said sharply, his mouth and goatee twisted into a frown. "I taught you better than this."

"You taught me what I needed to know," Six shot back, unwavering from his position. "I owe allegiance to no one. The only true power is knowledge—and that's why you never told me the truth."

Alastor stared at him for a moment, his body deflating with a heavy sigh. Then, his fist lashed towards Six's face.

Sidestep, adjust footing.

Having expected the surprise attack, Six dodged it nimbly and sent a fist of his own right into Alastor's solar plexus. The older man staggered backwards, his eyes widening in pain.

Press the advantage.

He reached forward, clapping his hands against the sides of his former mentor's head, disorienting him and stunning him further. This time, however, Alastor was ready for it. Reaching up, he grabbed one of Six's arms and twisted it backwards to force him closer.

Adapt to the situation.

Bending his knees, he leapt up in the air and spun his body backwards. Somersaulting back onto his feet with his arm no longer being twisted, he lunged forward and head-butted Alastor squarely in the nose.

End it.

As Alastor's hold on him was released, Six ran forward and jumped in the air. Bringing both his feet up to his chest, he launched them out and right into his opponent's chest with as much force as he could muster. With a pained shout, Alastor was sent flying several meters backwards, collapsing in a heap on the floor.

Panting, he turned worriedly to look back at how Ellie was faring. LE-5 had wrapped her arms around her now, but Ellie wasn't having it. Activating her thrusters, she jetted upward and rotated to slam LE-5 into the ceiling. The jarring collision forced the younger model to let go, and caused her to fall and crash back down into the ground while Ellie landed safely on her hands and knees.

He spun around once more when he heard a stirring groan, and saw Alastor picking himself back up and onto his feet. He cursed under his breath—the man was a lot tougher than he looked, and he already looked rather tough.

Stepping away, he and Ellie moved to a position where they each had their backs to one another, watching their respective opponents; Alastor glaring angrily at him, and LE-5 standing up to prepare for another charge at Ellie.

"For the record, I'm still mad at you," Ellie retorted to him from behind.

He huffed in exasperation. "For what, trying to save your life?"

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