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Who the fuck was this Hyunjae who just sent him a picture? San wondered what the picture was from, but since his mobile data didn't really work and he forgot to get a wifi password for his phone, it took ages to load.

He only could see something which seemed similar to skin, but he needed to wait until it finally wasn't blurry anymore.
Meanwhile he looked at the profile picture that strangely already was recognizable.

It was a blonde boy with pretty facial features. He wore a grey sweater with a white shirt underneath. He was handsome.

"But who tf is he?", San mumbled, trying to remember from where he knew the boy. Nothing came up in his mind.


Someone cleared his throat next to him, but San didn't really acknowledge it. He was too deep in his thoughts on finding that Hyunjae in his mind. He didn't perceive the glances Wooyoung gave him.

All in secret. Nobody noticed. Nobody saw how big Wooyoung's eyes grew when he sneakily looked at San's phone and saw that Hyunjae had written him. No one saw how he tried to focus on his work.


Well, nobody expect Hongjoong. He saw the sadness in Wooyoung's eyes, saw how he tried to cover it up. He knew Wooyoung better than anyone in this building, expect Yeosang who knew the story to how Wooyoung became who he is now, too.

Hyunjae - that was the guy Wooyoung knew from a party. Pretty popular, could seem nice, but well he just didn't keep to one partner. He was from that other school, around thirty minutes away from their own.

A guy not good enough for San, who needed someone caring. No one like Wooyoung as well.

Wooyoung tried to get all these thoughts out of his mind. San would be a great one night stand or something short. Probably pretty unexperienced, a soft person. Nobody he'd actually liked. The boy put his hand through his new dyed, silver hair.

Why did he think in that way? Why was he suddenly disgusted by how he thought? Since he never felt disgust while thinking of someone as a one night stand.

Again he looked at San's phone. And there was the picture San was so desperate to see.
Nothing special, not like he suspected anything else.
It was just a picture of a cat sitting next to bare legs. But San just could not not notice the thighs of the boy.

Whoever this Hyunjae was, he obviously worked out a lot!
Wow! That reminded him he should work out himself again, after a long time. Though he went to the practice room on a daily basis to improve his dance skills, he wasn't in the gym for months.

San noticed that the other boys were gathering their stuff already about to leaving him all alone. Only Wooyoung next to him was kind of hesitant putting his journal nearly reluctantly into his bag in which San could make out a thick book.

"Ehm- We're leaving. Do you wanna hang out in the lounge of the house with us? We planned on playing truth or dare-", Wooyoung paused, studying San's face, "- or maybe something else. We don't know yet."

San thought twice, but it came to his mind that he went out to party last night already. Sooo...

"Noo, I'm a bit tired. I'll probably take a nap in my room, or do some other stuff", he answered shy.

Wooyoung's happy face shifted for a short moment, but he got the control and his charming smile back.

No San! No charming smile!!! San definitely needed to do something! He couldn't let Wooyoung seduce him that easily. Or even if it took him longer. San wouldn't give in on his charms.

Quickly he took all of his things and made his way back to his and Yunho's room, hoping the other boy already returned from the cinema. Yunho was always able to lift San's mood.

But when he opened the door, the room was dark and no Yunho was there. San pouted. Hmpf... Now he would stay in bed and just read? Or should he actually do some school work?

He didn't read the chapters of their english novel yet, so he picked it up from his nightstand. San opend it and started reading.


In the meantime, Wooyoung sat in the lounge with the other boys, laughed with them, but kept checking the doors.

Girls kept passing by and always stared at him literally with heart eyes, knowing they'd be flustered, he sometimes winked or grinned at them. He was popular for sleeping around. Though he never actually dated that many girls. Well there were a few.

Starting with his first girl friend he had in middle school, Yuqi the chinese exchange student. And ending with Lisa with whom he recently ended things. In retrospect there after all were many...

But somehow he lately felt drawn to somebody. Somebody he thought he shouldn't be with. Not with his history.

However, he couldn't choke his feelings. Couldn't stay away. No Wooyoung just needed to go. He needed to give in since the urge just seemed too strong.

Without a word he left his friends sitting on the sofa, they looked after him, but didn't try to stop him. Determinded the silver haired boy walked to the floor where the somebody lived.

Infront of the door he stopped and took a last deep breath. His hand formed a fist, ready to knock.


I hope you still enjoy reading this story:)

I'm sorry it again took me so long to finish this chapter, but sadly it'll probably happen with the next chapters as well😢

I loove you!<3

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