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Turning the pages of his book, San soon felt pretty tired. He closed his eyes, just for a few seconds, he didn't want to take a nap. But the boy couldn't control his body. He felt dead tired, his eyes got heavier, they closed and remained that way. He fell into a deep deep sleep.

Suddenly there was a knock at the door. It began softly, but grew louder and harder.
San who passed away into his dreamy wonderland first didn't even hear the knocks, as they became louder he literally jumped out of his bed. Still a little dizzy from his deep sleep, he rubbed his eyes and went to the door.

Cautiously he opened the door, peeking out of the room. Infront of him stood Yunho holding a huge pizza carton in his hands, smiling bright.

"You look like you just woke up. Did you go back to sleep again?", the older teased San who only rolled his eyes and went back into his bed. Picking up the novel he still had to read, San asked Yunho how his movie date with Jongho was.

"San, stop it! You don't have to take your bad mood out on me! It wasn't a date! Jongho just asked me if we could watch this movie since no one of you guys wanted to see it with him...", Yunho snapped, his head already turning into a dark pink.
San chuckled, there did happen something though he wasn't sure what exactly.

"If you say so."

San hummed and went back to the novel, driving deep into the story, only hearing distanced Yunho munching down his pizza.


A new day, a new chance to work for school. San was ready to give his everything since he missed the whole last day in school. Starting off his day, he already had had maths and gave the teacher all the solutions to the exercises.

Now he had to go to his favorite lesson though the last one developed into a disaster. If Wooyoung appeared he knew he wouldn't have any peace from now on. He'd bother San in every lesson they'd have.
Again San was early so he collapsed onto his chair, getting ready for class. He piled his lecture, his folder and his notepad on the table in front of him.

The other students and even the teacher arrived, but the seat next to him stayed empty.
Wooyoung didn't come, no one knew where he was. The teacher started his lesson, asking the students to again summarize the chapter they had to read.
Without the distraction of his seatmate San could focus on the lesson, but he couldn't push away the feeling of something missing.

After an hour into the lesson there still was no sign of Wooyoung ever appearing to the class. Was he sick? Or did he just skip the class without any reason? He'd probably never know.

The bell finished the class though the students still had to wait until the teacher was done telling them their homework since apparently the teacher decided when the end was...
Every day the same procedure.

It was lunch break so San went straight to the cafeteria to meet up with his friends. He was curious whether Hongjoong and his friends joined them for lunch or if they'd remain with their "lunch crew".

As he entered the loud noises of his surrounding overwhelmed him. It was much hotter here and the air was stuffy. San immediately took of his jacket, slid onto his seat next to Jongho. Hongjoong and Yeosang actually sat around the table together with the rest of San's friends, but Wooyoung was missing.

Unintentionally San scanned the lunch room, he couldn't find the boy. Nowhere.

"He went home to his family."

San turned around to see who just noticed him searching a boy he didn't even like. It was Hongjoong. Of course. Joong was a person who noticed everything, who seemed to feel when a person didn't feel well, who would comfort them.

The greenish haired boy nodded, acted as if he didn't care. Well he didn't, did he?


The rest of his day was tiring. He had to study in the libary and went to some other classes, so San was happy when he finally opend the yellow door to his and Yunho's room. His roommate wasn't present, probably again out with somebody.

Well, some alone time would be peeeeerfect!

He dropped his backpack in a corner, connected his phone with the bluetooth speaker and turned on his favorite playlist. He bounced to the music, feeling the beat.
Slowly he got more lost in the music, but all of this ended pretty fast when he hit his leg against the table.

Pain went through his whole leg, he collapesed onto the bed and tried to make it stop from hurting. As he lay on the bed, he closed his eyes for a second.

A noise.

San jumped up from the bed, looked around the room. Then he could locate from where the noise came. A paper was pushed through the slit between door and bottom. A folded white paper.

Cautiously he went to the paper, took it up and then opened it.

Go on a date with me, please.
Meet me tomorrow at the train station.
At 5 o'clock.
I hope to see you.


I hope you enjoyed the chapter:)

Also, is anyone going to see Ateez in the US or in Europe?
I'll go to the concert in Paris:))


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