Chapter 10

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* Oaks Day *

" Today's the big day! " Pablo says. I smile.

" Your Daddy would have been so proud of you. " Mrs. Williams says. I give her a hug. Mike finished tacking up Duchess. Then we took her out to the paddock. 

" She is extremely hipper today. " Rosie says. " Which is a very good thing. "

" Wait a second stop her. " Mr. Jones says. Pablo stops her and he comes up to her right front leg. " Easy now. " He says as he runs his hands down her leg. He makes a face.

" What is it? " I ask.

" That leg. We need to keep an eye on it. Here Pablo trot her around once. "

" Yes sir. " Pablo takes Duchess around trotting.

" She looks fine. " I say.

" Yeah, I guess she was just walking on it weird. She just looked very awkward a second ago. " He says. I take a deep breath. She's okay, I repeat in my head.

We walk her around for a few more minutes then we heard " Riders Up! " I give Rosie a leg up like always. When she get on she smiles.

" We've got this. We are going to win today. " She says. I smile back at her. 

" Be safe! " I call out to her as Pablo leads them away. We head up to the owners box. I see Duchess in the parade. " Do this for Daddy, Duchess. " I whisper under my breath.

* Rosie's POV *

Duchess was as happy as could be. Head bobbing and prancing, she was like saying "look at me. I'm about to  rock your world. " I haven't seen her like this before. Every fiber in me said she new what was going on. I give her a big pat on the neck. The rider leading Duchess next to us wished us good luck and I told her thank you before being handed off to a young teenage boy. 

" Good luck Rosie! I'm betting on you and Duchess! " He yells over all the loudness. He gives Duchess a pat on the neck, and I smile. Duchess was second to last to be loaded in just because of her personality. She was loaded in and I glanced to the left to watch our biggest competition Emily The First being loaded in. After she was half way in I look straight ahead with determination on my face. I grip Duchess's mane and take long deep breaths. Then the gates swung open and the bell rang. As soon as we were out I saw Accusation moving over. I tried to get Duchess out of the chaos by trying to put her up a gear but it was to late. War on light pushed Accusation into us. 

" Come on Duchess let's get out of this hell. " I say pushing her out of the group of bumper cars. The field started forming as we went into the first turn. I didn't even think to see where Emily was. All I wanted was to cross the wire in first. Duchess was settled in third which was what I wanted for the moment. I was waiting on the familiar chestnut Emily to come into few and I would start letting Duchess move. Sound and Light was in first followed by Scandalous. 

We entered the back stretch, Emily was still not near Duchess; Sound and Light and Scandalous were starting to fade. So I decided to let Duchess do her own thing and take the lead. This was nothing like I thought it would be. 

Into the home turn I glanced back and noticed Emily closing in on us.

" Easy now, she's coming. Don't tire yourself out. " I say to Duchess.

The turn turned into the start for home, and Emily's nose was at Duchess's tail. Duchess threw her ears back not liking what was going on, but I had to stick to the plan, hold her back and wait till Emily tires herself out. Emily starts to challenge so I ask Duchess to try to get away, but Duchess wouldn't budge. What was wrong? Was her leg bothering her? I glanced behind to see Nicole trying to speed Emily up, but Emily wouldn't speed up either. What was getting into these two?

The wire was slowly approaching. Nicole was doing everything to speed Emily up. I kissed to Duchess and lightly whipped her once, but when I realized she wasn't budging I just relaxed.

" Okay girl, I'm giving you the reins. Do what you want. " I say to her. 

The wire flew behind us and I heard only the last bit of the call.

" And it's to close to call! Emily The First and Duchess Of Winter hit the wire together in the match we were expecting! " The fillies were 26 1/2 lengths away from The Rose Petal in third! The official time is 1:42 flat! " I got tense. I looked over to see Nichole stand up in her stirrups.

Nicole looks at me. She didn't know who won and neither did I. 

" That was some race, Nicole. " I say to her out of breath. She nodded at me. I have to give her credit she is a wonderfully jockey on a extraordinary filly.  We turned our fillies back to the stands and waited in front of the winners circle for the official results. I watch Nicole dismount and run over to Nathan and Jack. It looked like Jack was yelling at her, but why? She had a heck of a run. I watched the two argue until Caitlyn came over. She gives my leg a slap.

" What a run! If Nicole was over here I would tell her she did amazing as well! Even if that board says we lost I'm still going to act like I won. " She says. I love Caitlyn she is the best.

I glanced over to see what was going down between Nicole and Jack to see Nathan breaking it up. I had a feeling Jack was the hot head and Nathan was the peace keeper. 

Then the announcer comes on again.

" The official results are in! The winner of the 2019 Kentucky Oaks is, " I breathed slowly. Caitlyn gripped Duchess's reins, " Duchess Of Winter by a heartbreaking nose! " Caitlyn screams and I jump off and hug her. We jump up and down. Duchess starts throwing her head knowing she won. We look up to see the picture of Duchess ahead by a nose. The rest of the crew runs out. Caitlyn gives me a leg up on Duchess and we go back to the winners circles. The Garland of Oaks was placed over my legs and over Duchess. This was the best feeling in the world. Duchess just beat the horse of the year.

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