Chapter 14

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Pablo and I walk up to Duchess's stall. The vet was examining her leg.

"Why did you say you needed help?" I say to Pablo.

"One, I didn't want Mr. Noisy in here. Two, I will need help after this." 

"Okay, okay, don't get offensive." Then Dr. Gratcher stood up and looked at me with a face.

"I'm very worried about her leg. I'm just afraid that if you race her anytime soon, something small will turn into something big."

This news hit me. The super filly hurt. I could see the headlines now. "Minor injury ends undefeated super filly's career.

I just nod my head, "What if we let her rest for a week or two." 

"I'll make you a deal. You rest her for 3 weeks no workouts nothing! She stays in her stall for 3 weeks. Now you can take her back to your plantation, and I recommend you walk her everyday. But, nothing more than that."

I nod my head. 

"Well, have a good day!"

"You too!" I say, but I think to myself how was I suppose to have a good day after that news. Dr. Gratcher walked out of the stall and headed for her car.

"We might as well just keep Duchess here until we get the OK." Pablo says.

"But everyone will be here, and they'll start to suspect something. I think it's best to just to take her home."

"Okay, you are her owner, but they'll suspect something when they see her not racing."

"But they can spectulate if she is working out or not if she is at home." Pablo shrugs and heads over to Blitz's stall. 

"Can you help me thin out his mane?" He says.

"Sure!" I say. We worked in silence until I broke it. " Would you take care and watch Duchess while I fly to Florida with Blitz."

"Of course, but you'll be back in time for Duchess to start again, right?"

"Of course!"

Around noon two trailes pulled in. One Pablo would drive to take Duchess and Casey back to the plantation. The second would take Blitz, I, and the rest of the crew to Florida.


I'm so sorry that the chapter is short and if there are a lot of grammar and spelling errors . I have the worst head ache rn and wanted to update. I'll try to update a longer chapter tomorrow!

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