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Nick Pov

"So how was your performance?" Marlene asked, she leaned on the fence next to me.

"Oh, It was uh, great. We did great." I said looking at her. And then looking the backyard.

"I wish I could have been their to watch you perform, handsome." She grabbed my hand.

Marlene was the girl I met at a party two nights ago, she's hot. I'm really into her, she's chill. We haven't been able to hangout since so I invited her tonight, but we've been texting the whole time, since we met.

But when, I met Nena, I totally forgot about her. At least until she texted me earlier asking when she should come to the party. I haven't seen Nena yet. My thought were interrupted.

"Hello, Nick... Are you okay?" Marlene asked me.

"Oh yeah, sorry. What did you say?" I asked her, drawing my attention back to her.

"I just said that, I wish I could have been their to watch you perform..." She said distantly.

"Yeah, um. I wish you could have been there too." I say looking over at the house.

She placed her hand on the side of my cheek to make me look at her, "Are you not interested in me anymore? You seem to be distracted." She looked dissapointed and sad.

"No, of course I'm still interested in you. Why would you even say that? It's just that, the boys and I met and new friend this week and I'm looking for them." I say looking at her face the whole time. I wrapped my arms around her waist as she put hers around my neck.

"You sure." She gave me a strange face.

Nope, I'm into Nena. I feel bad, I'll talk to her later.

"Yes, Marlene." I said as I put my forehead on to her's. Too much Nick.

"Okay." She smiled.

"I really like you." She says to me.

I didn't know what to say, so I smiled and just kept looking at her, hoping she wasn't expecting an answer. I need to tell her now, but I don't want to ruin her weekend. Shit, what do I do?

Just then, I heard loud voices come from the back door.

"Come on, this way." I heard Zion's voice. Maybe Nena is with them.

I moved my head and stare from Marlene and to my left. As soon as I look, I see Nena. Our eyes immediately lock, she doesn't have any expression on her face. I don't know what do to do. I just freeze, and I got really nervous. What do I do? Do I look away? Do I apologize? Do I go talk to her? My hands are still around Marlene's waist

"Whats wrong? Your face is getting red?" Marlene asked me, then I could tell that she looked at what I was staring at.

We're still stuck, Nena's staring at us and we're staring at her. Then she was swept away by Emma, one of our friends. I guess she meet Nena.

I let go of Marlene's waist.

"Who was that?" Marlene asked confused.

"Um, nobody. Just someone used to know." I shouldn't lie to her.

"If you say so." She said as she put her head on my chest.

Nena Pov

I hate Nick right now, I thought he would be different. I guess I should stop assuming things. We continued to follow Zion and Edwin to the ping pong table.

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