Chapter 6

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“What is he doing?” I hissed from where I hid behind the concrete wall of the parking garage.

            “He’s walking down the street,” Colby said. He was still standing in the middle of the side walk, in plain view. “Why are you hiding?”

            “The question is, why aren’t you hiding? He might see you!”

            “So? Come one, let’s catch up with him,” he said, and started walking down the street quickly. I tried to catch his shirt to stop him, but he was too fast so I had to leave my hiding spot and drag him back, which was harder than it looked.

            “What?” Colby asked. “We came to see how he deals with situations. Well, there he is. Instead of having to look for him later, we can just go with him to the university.”

            “We can’t,” I said.

            “Why not?”

            “Because…” because that isn’t the real reason we’re here. Because I want to see if he really is going to the university. Because I don’t think dealing with a couple of professors really takes that long. “I want some coffee first. Come on, let’s go. I remember there being a café around here…” I said, running across the street. Colby followed.

            “Do you remember what it’s called?” Colby asked, peering down the street.

            “No. But the inside was pretty. And I met Clarence there.”

            “Oh! Then it was probably the Canary Café. Or the Coop, as we locals call it. Clarence goes there all the time,” he said.

            This time, the Coop had less people in it, and I could more easily take in my surroundings. Now I noticed a white cage on the left side of the counter with a canary in it, the bright yellow of the bird contrasting nicely with the warm brown wallpaper. A blue ribbon was tied hastily to the top of it. Everything  else was neat and tidy, though, as if nothing had ever been touched. I fingered the Canary cage, reaching my fingers in it, imagining what it would be like to stroke the soft feathers of the bird. Maybe it would be as soft as Clarence’s hair? Softer? The bird twittered and hopped a bit closer.

            “What do you want?” Colby asked.

            “I’ll get a white chocolate mocha,” I told the girl standing on the other side of the counter.

            She bobbed her head up and down, swinging her ponytail. “That’s my favorite!” She exclaimed, smiling at me.

            “And I’ll get a caramel macchiato,” Colby said, after gazing at the menu with a pensive look in his eyes. I swear, Colby took the least important things the most serious.

            “Are you sure? All that caramel’s going to leave you with a layer of fat over your hard-earned six-pack,” I told him.

            Colby scoffed. “As if that could ever happen. And even if it did, it wouldn’t be fat. It would just be a protective layer of skin to take care of my abs as I grow old.”

            I laughed at that, and we sat in the same couch I sat in the first time as we waited for our coffee. Colby was scrolling and typing away on his phone. When I glanced over he was playing games on it, and I scoffed at him.

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