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I made a quick plan: I would drop him off in front of the gate, say I forgot to do something in the city, then drive off. Later I would wear super heavy make- up and outrageously fancy clothes so he wouldn't recognize me. Then I could tell him that the queen is actually a pretty cool person. Clarence got out and thanked me for the ride and I started to pull out of the drive way but a cry cut me short. “Queen Elaine! Your Majesty, I was starting to get worried about you!” Mr. Perse scurried out of  the gates along with an entourage of maids and guards. I jolted to a stop and cursed under my breathe.


Finally, after years of schooling, Elaine is made Queen of the Sapphire Kingdom. She expects there to be rebels, and she expects not to have very much time to spend with the Emperor's son, now that she's running a kingdom. What she doesn't expect, though, is that the everyone in the kingdom are rebels and one of her advisers is the ringleader. An adviser who she can't help but fall in love with.

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