Chapter 4

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-3rd person P.O.V

Harry and Jamie have been living with Louis and Adrianna for a full month now and Anna has started to come out of her shy shell. As of now, Louis was at work while Harry stayed home with Jamie and Anna. Alex was over too just because Louis needed to be cautious. He didn't need his dad showing up and realizing Louis had been hiding the two hybrids. Louis was typing an email in his office at his office building when he got a call. Anna always called  when she got home from school. Seeing Alex's name pop on the screen brought a smile to his face. He was relieved too because he had a worsening frown all day from work-stress.

"Hello," He said into the phone and hitting send on his computer.

"Hiya Daddy," Louis smiled at the sound of his baby's voice.

"Sup buttercup? How was school?" Jamie was still attending school, but he was still slightly recovering from his injury, so he wasn't returning until next week.

"It was good. Today we learned some different animals and the weather," Louis was focused on another email, but still was half listening to Adrianna.

"Oh yeah? Can you tell me the weather right now?"

"Uh Huh!" He heard her feet running in their living room, probably to find a window. "It's raining a lot Daddy," Louis peaked out the window, and sure enough it was pouring.

"What a smartie you are, eh?" She giggled through the line. She stopped talking to him for a moment to talk to Harry for a second.

"Harry, I'm talking to Daddy," Louis smiled as he typed away. Though, he sighed a second later because he realized he still had four more emails to reply to and fives phone calls to make  once he hung up with his daughter. Needing a well deserved break after working all morning, he got up with the phone still to his ear and made his way down to the lobby.

Harry and Jamie had nothing but gratitude for the shelter Louis has provided them. Well, Harry mainly since Jamie was still too young to acknowledge the kind act. However, Louis knew Harry was teaching him how kind Louis was being for keeping them safe in his house. Louis still hadn't told Harry about his father and he really had no intention on telling him, but he knew he had to at some point.

"Will you be home soon, Daddy?"

"Soon. Hopefully after dinner. I think Alex is just getting you guys pizza. I left money on the table,"

"I miss you," Louis smiled.

"Miss you too. Now, go on an play with Jamie. I'll be home. Love you," she yawned. "Or perhaps you can take a nap. Either way, I love you,"

"Love you too Daddy. Bye bye," the young girl and father hung up, allowing Louis to catch up on his work.

At the mansion, Harry sat on the sofa with Alex as the two children played together.

"That's weird though, isn't it?" Harry asked Alex.

"No, not really. Humans get feelings for hybrids all the time. It's not uncommon," over the past month, since Alex was there everyday as well as Harry, she has become Harry's new best friend... considering his previous best friend was killed. Anywho, Harry confessed to Alex that he was beginning to gain feelings for Louis. Not just friendships, thankful for the hospitality kinda feelings, but actual feelings. Every night when the kids went to bed and Alex left, leaving just the two awake, they would talk and talk and talk. They would laugh, cry, rant, anything. He knew it was common for hybrids to have families and be together and stuff, but it wasn't the norm. Just like how people view straight couples as being "normal". In society, that's usually the stereotype of a modern relationship. With this, the stereotypical relationships were hybrid with hybrid and human with human. 

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