Chapter Eight

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Logan's eyes fluttered open to find himself underwater. He panicked briefly, thinking he was drowning for a moment before he realized he was asleep. It was obvious by the fact that he breathed just fine despite being surrounded entirely by ocean. 

He looked around in awe at all the fish and sea life that was swimming around him as though he wasn't even there. The coral in this part of the ocean seemed to be glowing with life, and the fish were clearly bioluminescent. They were casting colorful lights on the rocks and corals around them, making him smile a little. The ocean was a beautiful place, he couldn't deny that.

A strange sound caught his attention, making him turn. He saw nothing, making him scowl. He could've sworn he heard something. Logan looked around with furrowed eyebrows, feeling the water swish behind him as though something had just moved by him really quickly. He tried to turn around and catch whatever it was, but he failed, seeing nothing be the same corals and fish swimming by without a care in the world. 

There was the noise again; it was a small, happy giggle. It didn't make any sense that someone would be giggling so audibly underwater, but he knew he wasn't hearing things. The sound grew closer behind him, making the young man turn around slowly, hoping he wouldn't startle whatever it was that was making the noise.

He was met with a pair of bright blue eyes barely an inch away from his own. Logan's eyes widened in shock at the closeness of the face, making him gasp a little. With a blink of his eyes, he woke up, finding himself staring at a ceiling rather than a pair of pretty blue eyes.

The intelligent young man frowned, not understanding the events of his dream. Whenever he was lucky enough to recall the dream or become aware of his state of unconsciousness, he tried to analyze it. He'd researched the meanings behind certain things in dreams before, but this was nothing like anything he'd ever heard about. 

Logan's mind couldn't help jumping to the conclusion of the merfolk being involved; after all, the dream had taken place underwater, among creatures and plant life that seemed a little too beautiful to be completely natural as they knew them. 

There was also the beautiful blue eyes he'd seen. They seemed just too blue to be real. Whenever he closed his eyes, he could see them vividly, a subconscious smile pulling at his lips as he thought of the joyful shimmer they head. It was clear whatever those eyes belonged to had been giggling, and he could easily draw the conclusion that it had been a merperson of some kind. 

Perhaps Roman would know something about this, he thought curiously as he got out of bed and got dressed. I suppose that it couldn't hurt to ask him. He did seem to know more than I do about these creatures. Maybe he's experienced something similar.

With these thoughts, Logan got his shoes on and made his way back to the hotel. It was only when he arrived to see the bar open that it occurred to him how late he'd slept in. That was unusual for him; he was always a morning person, an early riser, but he'd slept in long enough for the bar to actually be open by the time he arrived at the hotel merely five minutes later. 

The princely bartender was behind the deserted bar, clearly organizing things to appear busier than he actually was; it made sense that he didn't have many customers this early. "Greetings Logan," he said as he sat down in a stool.

"Good morning," he returned with a nod. "I have a couple more questions for you."

Roman grinned knowingly. "I thought you might," he said with a chuckle. "You didn't seem like the type that would let things go until you figured them out."

He launched into telling him the story of his dream, explaining that he couldn't come up with any logical interpretations for its meaning, but that he thought it may have something to do with merfolk. "Have you ever experienced a dream like that?" Logan questioned, straightening his glasses. "Perhaps when you first met Virgil?"

"No, I can't say that I have," he replied with a frown. "Well, I did have this drawing idea that kept coming to me before I met him. This boy with dark eyes and dark hair, but I could only ever draw from the torso up. Now that I think about it... it looked a little like Virgil."

The intellectual young man nodded, looking down thoughtfully. Perhaps there was some kind of subconscious message the merfolk sent them before they interacted with them?

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