Chapter Twenty-Two

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"Yep! I'm Patton!" the merman replied, vigorously shaking his hand with a wide grin on his face. He held onto the bartender's hand a bit longer than what was a normal greeting, making Roman arch an eyebrow at him. "Oh sorry! Still getting accustomed to these human things!"

Logan nodded as he took a seat at the bar. "Yeah, he's still learning how to behave," he explained. "They treat humanity as a taboo in their kingdom so they're pretty unaware of our culture as we are of theirs."

The princely man nodded in understanding as he looked the merman up and down. "So you can make yourself legs?"

"Oh yes! It's supposed to be very difficult and make you feel really tired, but it's weird cause I feel fine!" Patton gushed, sitting down clumsily in the stool beside his soulmate. "I actually have a theory that it's because the higher ups in our kingdom want to prevent us from going on land, AND that if you share a kiss with your soulmate you'd magic becomes easier."

Roman smirked at the information and gave a sly glance in the intellectual young man's direction. "Share a kiss with your soulmate huh?" he repeated knowingly.

Logan's cheeks flared up with heat as he cleared his throat. "We only kissed a couple times, and we didn't go father than that-"

"It's so lovely kissing your soulmate! It's like feeling at home!" the merman interjected excitedly. "Logan's lips are really smooth too! Like he takes good care of them! I bet he has a skin care routine! We do stuff to cleanse our skin in our kingdom, do you have a skin care routine?"

His rambling made his soulmate flustered and made the bartender chuckle a little as he searched for the easiest way to answer.

"Well, yes, I gave a very elaborate skin care routine, how about you, Logan?" Roman asked, grinning teasingly in his direction. "How do you get such smooth lips?"

"I apply lip balm daily," he replied as he adjusted his glasses. "It keeps them from getting chapped."

Patton looked awed by this information. "See we don't have lip balm in the ocean... I don't think anyway. Our lips don't really get chapped cause we live underwater," the merman said. He suddenly gasped excitedly. "Oh my gosh! I have you and Virgil kissed yet?"

It was Roman's turn to get flustered. He stammered as he scrambled for an answer to the very forward question. "W-Well, no, we haven't, how did you-"

"Virgil is my best friend ever! He's always sneaking off to see YOU I assume, which is adorable!" he gushed.

"Patton, try and tone it down a bit, you're being a bit loud," Logan warned him, gently touching his arm. The merman made a face of realization and started talking a bit quieter. "That's better, good job. You're getting the hang of this human stuff fast."

The bartender recovered and made a smug face at the intellectual young man. "Yeah, pretty soon you'll be teaching him the physical stuff," he said with a wink.

"Physical stuff?" Patton wondered. He then gasped in realization and whispered the next bit. "Oh you mean sex?"

"Yes Patton, pretty soon Logan will teach you how humans have sex," Roman said encouragingly. "I'm sure he'll enjoy it very much too."

He interjected. "Okay, time out, don't teach him that talking about sexual intercourse in public like this is okay, and no, I will not be teaching him about it for quite some time thank you," he said firmly. "We'll most likely get there eventually since we're soulmates, but not any time soon."

"Are you gonna teach Virgil how to do it?" Patton asked the bartender excitedly.

Logan sighed and shook his head with a small smile on his lips. He should've known that these two would get along.

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