Chapter 1

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I Woke up and got ready for school earlier than I usually do I was deciding to get up early so I could meet up with my friend After I was done getting ready I ran down stairs grabbed two slices of bread shoved them in the toaster and went right over to the fridge and opened the fridge to get the jelly normally I wouldn't eat breakfast but I was stressed out I heard the toaster go off and slammed the fridge door and rushed over to the toaster hoping my toast was not burnt I quickly grabbed a knife put the jelly on and literally almost threw the jar in the fridge and rushed out the door I made it in time "Thank god you're finally here I was about to leave" Says eric "Oh um hi" I say I was a little afraid to talk to him at first but then he started a conversation that went on until we got to school which made me feel more comfortable with being not able to talk to him to being able to talk to him I felt as if I was Not being myself but I felt confident knowing that I could talk to him about the issues I was Having and how I was worried about what other people thought but eric said "your fine just the way you are don't let people judge you for who you are be yourself" I said Thank you that makes me feel more comfortable eric really thank you" No problem"says eric "You know sometimes I wonder why you are always so supportive eric?" I can see him smirking in the corner of my eye I looked at him and I saw his smirk go away as he turned to look at me "you know sometimes I wonder why you question things that can't or won't be answered" Said eric "Why won't you answer my question" I said he looked at me in the eye's "stop questioning me" eric says as he looks away "eric bro what's up" says a guy fist bumping eric as we walk into class "what's up zack" "so who's this eric" says zack as he looks at me "a friend" says eric "If she's bothering you I can take care of her for you" says zack as he smiles while looking at me "no she's actually pretty cool" "sounds interesting" says zack as he walks over to me "Zack don't" says eric "come on bro im just messing around" says zack he was standing right in front of me I was feeling a little scared zack smiled looking at me "Okay class please take your seat" Says Mr.larn everyone takes a seat but me and the only seat left open is beside zack "so I can see we have a new student" says the teacher I look up at the teacher "Will you please take a the seat opened by zack please" I quickly walk over to were zack was sitting and sat beside him I saw he was staring at me as if he was going to say something I decided to look at the board and start taking notes "So were you sitting at lunch" zack says in a whispered voice "why are you asking where i'm going to sit and why does it matter we don't have lunch until after are next class" "oh come on wait your going to sit beside eric aren't you" says zack "No" I say my face turns red Do you have something you'd like to share with the class zack "Actually yes fuck your class" Says zack "Zack detention now" does anyone else have something to say I stand up Eric looks at me He gives me a sign trying to tell me to sit back down "Why can't you teachers understand that sometimes your not going to get what you want from us students we can't always be perfect and not to mention some of us don't even understand a single word your saying" I say Eric stands up and says "Mr.larn She didn't mean to say that" "Sarah detention now you to eric and I do understand that some students may not know the answers which is why i'm here to help" I walk out of the class room I feel someone grab my arm it was eric "Do you not realize what you're doing sarah or saying he could have suspended you just for talking him down" "I don't care i'm not going to let a teacher send a kid out for no reason and I don't need you to treat me like a kid" "Well maybe you should learn to act like a teenager" I was starting to get upset and mad at him I was feeling mixed emotions "I did what I did for a reason I wasn't going to let him go to detention on his own" "So your in love with him" "that's not what i'm saying" oh yeah than what else could you be saying" "It was my fault he got in trouble okay i'm the one who got mad at him Because of what he said" I said to eric in an upset voice as I walked away"What did he say" eric said as he grabbed my arm " it's not like you would care anyway" I said "You think I don't care" said eric slamming me against the lockers I know more than you ever will now tell me what he said!" I got Scared But I decided to tell him "He was pressuring me to admit that I liked you and saying how I would sit beside you at lunch instead of him and he kept on asking why but I never said I was going to sit with you" "Calm down" says eric how can I calm down when I caused all this trouble I tried to leave but he stopped and blocked my way so I couldn't "listen I don't care if you like me or not but I just need you to calm down okay i'll talk to zack" I looked at eric in the eyes I felt myself starting to calm down that's when I felt his hands let go of my arms as his hands moved away from my arms I decide to say something "im sorry" I said "Listen don't apologize okay I will talk to him none of this is your fault" I started to worry a little because the fact that I did not want anyone to get hurt Maybe I did have feelings for eric But I just didn't know or couldn't express it.

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