Chapter 3

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That's when I saw eric starting to punch zack, zack then grabbed eric by his throat and slammed to the floor I ran over and quickly pulled zack off of eric "stop it" I say I get shoved to the floor by zack "you are so fucking pitty aren't you just because your in love with eric you take his goddamn side your such a bitch" he grabs my arms and holds my hands down Eric stops him "Keep your nasty hands off her" zack gets up "go ahead take a punch big guy go ahead punch unless your pussy"says zack I walk to eric "don't listen to him" eric looks at me the bell rings "lets go to our next class" says eric "Okay" I say I was feeling uncomfortable I should have known that this was going to happen I was such an idiot thinking zack could be a good person thinking I could trust him I trusted eric I knew that I had to keep him safe even if it meant me getting hurt We finally reach are next class eric pulls my hand and takes me to the back of the classroom there were four or five empty seats "Sit here" says eric as he sits in the other seat I sit down "im sorry" I say eric looks at me listen "I told you none of what just happened was your fault okay" "Why don't you just admit it was my fault that you literally got in a fight with zack!" I said I was not trying to yell but at the same time I was upset "Would you stop blaming everything on yourself it was my fault because i'm the one who yelled at him and I was the one that started the fight" it's not your fault eric and i'm sorry I didn't mean to get mad" I say "It's fine and How about it was neither one of us that started it okay" Says eric "Okay" I say even though deep down I knew it was my fault because I was the one that was to weak to fight for myself and do what was right I looked up at eric than quickly looked away I started to do my work that she handed out

45 minutes later-Time lapse

"Okay class let's head to lunch" me and eric get up and leave the classroom.

I felt weird inside knowing that I Would have to walk into a cafeteria full of people I looked down at the ground as we continued to walk "What's wrong" says eric "nothing i'm fine" I say

eric stops walking I stop and look at him "why'd you stop walking" I say "tell me what's wrong" says eric "can we not eat in the cafeteria?" I say "We don't have to if you don't want to we can grab our lunch and eat in the courtyard" "Really?" I say "yeah I mean I usually eat in the courtyard anyway with my Friends" says eric "thank you eric" I say looking up at him while smiling "it's no problem" he says as he looks away from me I could see that his face was a little red did he secretly like me or did he just not feel comfortable with what I was saying and doing unless I did something wrong

"Are you upset with me?" I say Why would I be upset with you? Says eric I look at him "you should know why" I say "I'm not upset with you"says eric" okay" I say embarrassed I felt so weird saying what I said soon we arrived at a table with a group of guys "wassup eric" says one of the guys "wassup Jacob" says Eric "whos that" says Jacob "oh guys this is sarah, Sarah this is Jacob , Jackson, Mathew ,Blake" "Hi" I said (everyone but blake says hi) "welcome to the group" says blake "Sarah can you sit over there" um yea I say "Blake can I talk to you" I can hear eric whispering "Listen she does not know and she does not need to know" says eric "so your going to keep it a secret from her"says Blake "I can't risk her getting hurt so yes" says Eric "You pussy man" says blake "I don't care and im not i'm just trying to keep sarah safe and you know it" Says eric "whatever dude she gonna find out sooner or later" I look away as blake walks off from eric and sits back down.

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