Chapter 1

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                         Let's get this over with. I chided with myself. This morning is almost exactly like any other. Almost. Walking through the tan double doors of the kitchen, I looked through the glass, and into the living room. I saw Patton and Logan holding hands across the chairs. Logan absentmindedly stroked Patton's fingers as he read from his book. Their two different shades of blue hair were vibrant against the grey walls.

I smiled silently as I made my way across the room to the refrigerator. As I pulled on the silver handle, I felt another presence enter. Based on the sweet smell of Pumpkin Spice and Starbucks, it was Roman. I threw the door open, for me to hide behind. I thought I had another half hour at least to find a way to cover for this mess I had made of myself, but no!

"Good Morning my love!" His voice seemed happy and lighthearted. I knew that would change very soon. His dyed red hair was visible as I peaked around the door.

"Good Mor- AGH!!" I tried to respond. My body betrayed me. I couldn't feel my arms other than pain. He rushed to the door, setting down the Latte he had just gotten, and put his hand on mine, even though it was still on the door. I hid behind the door a little more as he tried to move around to see the problem. My knuckles were white and I wasn't letting go of the handle for the life of me. Roman's hands...They were so warm. Especially for just coming from the winter weather.

"Virgil. Close the Door." He ordered, so confident that I would obey anything he wished of me. All my body would allow me to do is shake my head slightly. Even that simple action caused fire to shoot up my arms, flowing into my wrists, burning my hands.

"Virgil. Now." Once again, he insisted. "I need to know that your okay, and that this isn't real." Before I could try once more to deny him, Remy strode in the room. He pulled the dark clothing from the bag he was carrying, matching his hair.

"What. is up fam." Remy casually greeted. He ran his hand through his green hair, revealing about 2 inches of midriff exposure. Roman took one more glance at the fridge, and let go of my hand. "Are y'all still planning to go to Hot Topic today?" Remy questioned. I knew full well he had already gone, but Roman hissed, "Now is not the time Siesta! Something is wrong with hot Topic, and he won't tell me."

"Why are they closing? I was just there and-" Roman cut him off, and pointed to me instead of letting Remy continue. The one representing sleep began to give me looks too. That hurt almost as bad as my injurys. I knew Remy better than anyone, and he thought I was insane.

"Virgil, Shut the door." Remy begged.

Suddenly, the handle was out of my hand, the door was closed, and my sleeves were rolled up. Roman's hand still lingered where he slammed it shut. I couldn't look at anyone. I heard Roman gasp. I saw his warm hand move from the door and gently brush the hair out of my eyes. The hot blood was more welcoming than the worry etched on Roman's face. The gashes was now bleeding only slightly, but it was enough to scare Roman.

"Oh Virgil." A mere whisper escaped his lips. "Why?"

Trembling, I opened my mouth, and immediately shut it again, as it was like knives up the side of my arms. I looked at the red liquid on Roman's hand. Roman placed his hand on the opposite arm, thinking there wasn't an injury there too. No matter how hard I fought, a whimper escaped my lips and tears began to roll off my face and into his hands.

"What happened?" Logan's voice echoed through the Kitchen. Patton was behind Logan peeking over the taller boy's shoulder, with worry etched on his face. Luckily, Roman blocked me from their point of view. But unluckily, it was almost more embarrassing to have my boyfriend stand up for me instead of myself. Roman let out a shaky breath, and summoned Thomas and Deceit as well. Those two had been arguing over Deceit's punishment for lying about why we weren't at the meeting we all had to go to.

"What's up Roman?"Thomas questioned. They were surrounding me. Before anything else could happen, the blades of fire became too much for me. My knees gave way, and I let out a small yelp, before my eyelids became too heavy to open. I felt Roman cradle my cold, heavy body. I heard whispers of what they were saying. I couldn't discern if they were supposed to be yells or whispers. I could only grasp a few words.

""... "Doctor"... "Stitches..." Voices echoing through my head. I felt a hand stroke through my hair. A kiss was pressed on my forehead. All I heard was a ringing, and then silence.

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