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"Hello baby," a man says to you.

You look up from your plate of food in disgust.

"Who are you?!" You snap. This isn't the first time some random guy comes up to you with flirtatious intentions.

The man smirks and sits in the chair next to you.

You are at a bar waiting for your best friend to come. He told you to meet him there. To be honest, your best friend is very attractive. His name is Jungkook and he mentioned that he has something important to tell you.

You roll your eyes at the guy's weak attempt to flirt with you.

"First off, anyone who calls me baby at first sight is too immature for me. And second off, your face is hurting my eyes. Please go away," you say sternly.

Clearly the guy didn't get the memo. "I've never seen you here before."

You obnoxiously slurp your beverage. "Maybe because this is my first time here."

The guy chuckles. "I like you."

You roll your eyes. "Thank you. I like me too."

You get up to leave, but he grabs you by the arm. "Stay," He says creepily.

"Get off me!" You shout.

The guy laughs again and places his other arm on your waist. He starts to move his hand more down towards your butt, until somebody grabs him and pulls him off.

You find to see that it is Jungkook.

"Who are you?!" He snarls at the man. The man laughs.

"I should be asking the same question," the man spits.

Your heart beats a thousand words. You have never seen Jungkook so mad before. His face scares you, yet something warm grows inside you. You know that you are safe because of him.

He shoves the guy to the floor, and grabs you by the hand. "Come on y/n, we are out of here."

He drags you out the bar restaurant, and walks down the sidewalk towards your house.

You stop him, and free yourself from his grasp. "Why did you get so mad Jungkook? I know I'm your friend, but I've never seen you that mad before."

Jungkook looks at you desperately and walks towards you. Your heart flutters and he rounds you to a corner. Your back is up against the side of a building, and your trying to control your breathing so that it goes slowly. It's not working.

Jungkook places one hand against the wall by your face, and the other near your waist. He looks at you with a deep intensity in his eyes. He looks hurt.

He says in a low deep voice quietly, "No guy will ever touch you without you wanting them too." He sighs. "But only this once am I going to break that rule."

You are confused. "What do you m....?" Your words are cut off.

He kisses you passionately at first, but then more aggressive. You guys are in synch and he tangles his hand in your hair. He moans, and deepens the kiss. You kiss him back, and wrap your hands around his neck. He wraps his other hand on your waist, and pulls you closer to his chest. You can feel his body against yours, and this makes you whimper.

Jungkook senses your weakness, and supports you with his other arm. He then kisses you on the neck and travels down to your collarbone. You gasp when you feel his tongue. He smiles and then kisses you on the upper lip, then at the bottom.

Jungkook ends the kiss with a sigh, and looks you deeply in the eyes. "From now on, I want to be the only guy who touches you y/n."

You smile. "I don't think I have a problem with that Jungkook."

He chuckles and grabs your hand. He takes you home.

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101Life_ ❤️

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