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Requested by @444lol444  

"Y/n, don't you think the sun is beautiful today." You look up at the sky and feel the sun's rays beat on your face. "Yes Namjoon I do." He grins at your answer and grabs you by the hand. You walk cheerfully right beside him as he takes you under a white cherry blossom tree.
"Don't you think this tree is beautiful?" He asks smiling revealing his beautiful dimples.

You roll your eyes. "Yes it's beautiful. Why are you asking random questions?" He laughs even though you weren't trying to be funny. He takes you by the hand and takes you near a bench.
You guys have been dating for a year now. It all started when you were working overtime as a waitress.


"Mr. Yoongi I don't want to work overtime. I already have my hours in. I'm exhausted, can I please go home?!" You demand.
Yoongi clenches his jaw in frustration. "Who's the boss here?!" He snaps.
"You," You say with a sigh. He waves you away with his hand. "So go away. There's only one more table. See that gentleman over there, well serve him." With that you begrudgingly walk to the only guy left and force yourself to remember to take big deep breaths.

"Welcome to Suga n Jams, how may I help you today?" You say in a monotone voice. The guy looks up at you with one eyebrow raised. "Hi yes I don't know what to get. What would you recommend?"
You try to keep your patience as you don't even like this place, let alone want to recommend anything to eat. You look at the guy and force a smile.
"For somebody like you I would recommend a hamburger with fries."
The man chuckles. "Really? For somebody like me? You never told me your name." He smiles at you revealing dimples you haven't noticed before. You blush at the sudden question.

"Oh my name is y/n." He chuckles and winks at you. "That is a beautiful name. My name is..."

"Sir please can I just take your order?" You ask rudely. It's not that you don't like him, it's just that you want to get out of here. He looks hurt. "Oh of course. I'll take the hamburger and fries." Seeing him hurt makes your heart ache and you immediately regret interrupting him.
You smile and take his menu wanting to make amends.
Once the food is made you bring it to his table. "Thank you," He says even though you don't deserve to be thanked. You bow down. "Of course." You wait for him to finish and then you bring him the check. He pays and quickly walks out the door.

You try to run after him, but Mr.Yoongi barks at you. "Y/n help clean up." You look at him and then back at the door. "Sir I have to apologize to our customer. I have to go."
Yoongi shakes his head. "If you leave, you are fired." Your brain goes in circles trying to decide on what to do. You scoff. "Sir, if that's what it takes then I quit." You run after the guy who is just opening his car door. "Wait! Wait!" You shout. He looks up at you in surprise.
You gasp for air when you reach him holding your hand up signaling that you need a minute. "I never got your name," you say. The guy looks at you for a few minutes before smiling. "My name is Namjoon." Your heart flutters at the sound of his name. "Wow. Namjoon has a nice ring to it. I like it." He laughs and scratches the back of his head. "Maybe we can hang out sometime. You seem nice," he says.
You laugh at his compliment. "I'm nice?" You ask. He is a cute awkward guy so you answer his question. "I would like that," you finally say.


"Y/n remember that day when you quit your job just to get my name." You roll your eyes at the memory. "Yes," you giggle.
"I honestly don't know why I did it. I was crazy." Namjoon smirks. "Crazy for me." You giggle again. "Yes I was crazy for you."

Namjoon nods his head. "Good, I want you to continue to be crazy for me because y/n I love you."
You blush at his random affection for you. He rarely says those words, only on special occasions which puts you on your guard. What is he doing?
Namjoon continues. "Y/n I love you. I love your smile, your eyes, your nose, your lips, your cheeks, your hands, feet, everything. But the most important thing that I love is your heart. Y/n You have such a beautiful heart. You are such a good person. You look at the simplest thing, and make it one of the most beautiful moments in life." He kisses your hand. "Y/n I want you by my side forever. I want you to help me through good, bad, up, and down times. I want you by my side when I wake up in the morning and when I go to sleep. I love you y/n and that's why..."
He bends down on one knee, and that is when you know. You kind of knew, but you were just refusing to accept it. He reveals a beautiful, gorgeous, flattering ring that you are sure could buy an entire country. "Namjoon..." tears start to form in your eyes. "No.." you whisper.
Namjoon laughs and looks at you with the most sincere and honest eyes ever. "Y/n will you marry me?" You laugh like a maniac. "Namjoon do I have to answer!?" You kiss him on the lips and and make him stand up. "Yes!!!" You shout from sheer joy and you kiss him again. "Yes!"
Namjoon laughs and puts the ring on your finger. "Good."
You two walk hand and hand away from the white cherry blossoms that now know your history and potential future. They will cherish this moment forever.

I really hope you liked this. 😅
I tried, and I hope it's what you were looking for. Thank you for requesting because I had a lot of fun doing this.
101Life_ ❤️

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