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You hear an annoyed sigh to the side of you. You look in aggravation to your boss. You already know what that sigh means. You came to this company to work as an intern. Although it is not necessarily your dream job, it pays the bills. You bow down respectfully to your boss. "What can I help you with Mr.Kim?"

Mr.Kim looks at you in disgust. He takes a sip of his coffee, and throws it in the trash bin. "This coffee is cold and disgusting. Get me a new one?" You grit your teeth trying to control your patience. "But Mr.Kim I got that literally five minutes ago. The coffee should still be hot."

Mr. Kim walks towards you at a deathly pace. Slowly, taking his time to torture you of what's to come. He raises an eyebrow. "Are you talking back to me y/n?"

You gulp down. "No Mr.Kim. I will get your coffee. My apologies." You bow down and quickly leave to fetch his highness's precious coffee. You bring the coffee back in less than three minutes. You timed yourself.

"Here you are Mr.Kim." You hand the coffee to an ungrateful boss, and he takes a sip from it. He sighs and throws it in the trash bin. "It was too hot. You are one of the worst assistants ever."

You stare in complete horror and rage. How could he just waste money and coffee like that?! How many people would love to have the taste of coffee on their tongues?! He's such an immature, unappreciative.... Aish! You clench your jaw which causes Mr.Kim to lick his lips. He smirks. "You know y/n, you are pretty cute when your mad." You are taken aback by his statement. "What?!" You ask in confusion. Why is he being bipolar?

Mr.Kim walks up to you with his hands in his pockets and his eyebrows raised. He bites his bottom lip and pushes you against the wall away from the sight of other workers. He goes over to the door and closes the door. He then turns back to you. "Mr.Kim what are you doing?" You ask warily. He chuckles and says in a deep slow voice, "Please call me Namjoon."

"Oh," you stammer. Why is your heart racing at the sight of his handsome structured face? The way his dimples show when he smirks, and the way his cat like eyes squint as his eyebrows are raised in amusement. He grins revealing his white pearly teeth. He bites the bottom of his lip and looks at your lips. You notice his gaze and your legs grow weak. He chuckles. "Am I making you weak baby?"

You whimper at his voice and he presses his body against yours. "Please don't go. I think I like you. That's why I'm a jerk to you," Namjoon says. You manage to scoff. "You waste coffee, money, and my time!" Namjoon laughs. "Then let's change that. I don't want to waste your time. I'll make it worth your while." He kisses you aggressively, teasingly, tugging lightly on your bottom lip and sucking the top. He wraps his hands around your waist, and glides his hand up your spine sending shivers down your spine. Oh no. You whimper as he squeezes your waist going down to your thighs. He manages to slide his tongue into yours and explore your mouth. He groans as you run your hands through his hair. He finally lets you go leaving the both of you breathless. He smiles and winks. "I am not firing you anytime soon."

You roll your eyes. "Well I'm going to quit." Namjoon laughs at you. "I won't allow that." You scoff. "You don't own me!" He smirks. "Baby are you sure about that?"
From that day on, you were never fired, and you never dared try to quit.

What did you think? Was it good?....

101Life_   ❤️

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