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Hey I am so sorry my little rays of sunshine. ☺️ I haven't updated in a while, and that is because I am currently working on another book called "Switched." I won't say anything else about it, but I'm hoping to complete it soon. Here's another imagine about our beautiful Hobi. Enjoy 😘

You have been hired by Big-hit to work for the boy band BTS. You never dreamed that this day would come true, but it did. You squeal excitedly as you eagerly await your first day of work. You go inside the big building that represents that BTS is in there. Your job is to do their makeup, hair, and whatever else needs to be done. You arrive at the door, and shyly knock. At least that's what you want to do. Instead, you bang loudly like a maniac, wanting to see the faces of seven beautiful people. A lady opens the door with wide eyes, and gives you a look. You smile and walk inside. This is it! Your first day!
You look at them sitting in their chairs just waiting for attention. You walk to Namjoon, and he smiles.
"Ah you must be new here. Welcome, my name is Namjoon. What is yours?"
"That's pretty, but I'm pretty sure you are going to help Hoseok today."
You nod your head in understanding. "Of course." So you walk to Hoseok and smile. "Hello."
He laughs at your greeting, revealing his teeth and scrunching his nose.
"Oh helloooooo!!!" He coos. "You are helping me today. Good!" He gives you a thumbs up and you awkwardly start to blow dry his hair. Ugh, it's so fluffy and soft and beautiful. You constantly want to run your hands through his hair, but you don't want to ruin it. Finally, you put on some foundation on his face and a little bit of highlight. Then you do his eyeshadow. You can't help but notice his constant stare at you. As you focus on blending the eyeshadow, his eyes look deep into yours. Then you make an error, a mistake.
You decide to look into his eyes. That decision is fatal.
You look into his eyes, and are mesmerized. Your hearts speeds up, and you blush lightly.
Hoseok can't seem to break eye contact. "Wow you are really pretty," he whispers. You pretend not to hear and clear your throat.
"Umm Hoseok I think you're done."
He gets up and looks in the mirror. "Wow, you did a good job." You nervously scratch the back of your head, as you tend to get embarrassed when people compliment you. "Thank you."
Hoseok nods his head. "What is your name?"
You shake your head.
"My name isn't that important." Hoseok looks ready to slap you. "Of course your name is important. Tell me."
You gulp. "My name is y/n." Hoseok chuckles and slides his finger along your jawline. "You have a pretty name, and a pretty face. Can we be friends?" You are startled by the sudden question.
"What?" Hoseok laughs. "I asked if we could be friends?" He winks at you and lightly caresses your head. "I want to be your friend," he continues. You do nothing but let your heart beat faster than if Hoseok himself were to see a snake and run away.
"Umm...why?" You stutter. You mentally slap yourself. That was such a dumb question.
Hoseok laughs again. "I want to get to know you," He says.
He winks and starts to walk out of the room. He looks back and says, "From now on, you are mine. You will only help me."
You gulp at his words. Why though? Why does he want you?
Hoseok leaves the room leaving you on fire.

Weeks past, and all Hoseok does is tease you. He lightly tugs you on your hair or "accidentally" trips you so that you fall down. Then he plays "hero" and helps you get up. Sometimes he just compliments on your clothes or eyes. He pokes you on the nose and laughs saying that your nose is cute. Sometimes he whispers in your ears while nobody is looking and says that you are beautiful. This sends shivers down your spine. Then, one day his teasing stops.

His demeanor is completely different today. You walk inside like usual, and give everybody their coffee. You go to Hoseok and bow down. "Hello," You say. He simply nods his head and motions for you to start with his hair.
Okay? You start to straighten his hair with a flat iron and you finish with a smile on your face. You did a good job!
You bring the eyeshadow to his face, but he rapidly grabs your wrists and clenches his jaw. "Y/n, I don't want you to do my makeup," He retorts. You push down the fear crawling its way up your throat.
"Oh okay," you squeak.
"Okay boys it's time!" One of the managers calls. "Time to get on stage!"
Hoseok calls to another worker and asks them to do his makeup. You feel rejected, and upset. Why didn't he want you to do his makeup? Are you not good enough? You glare at him as he walks out the room, and goes to the stage.
When their concert is over everybody cheers for them. "Wow you guys did amazing!" They congratulate.
One person even says, "Wow J-Hope your makeup is amazing."
You roll your eyes as Hoseok laughs at their compliment. When Hoseok makes eye contact with you, you walk away towards the hallway and walk towards the exit door. You are done for today. At least that is what you think.
A pair of hands grab you and drags you into a closet room. Okay like this isn't cliche.
You tell yourself to scream, but then you see that it is Hoseok. You blink is surprise.
"Hoseok? What are you doing?"
He shushes you with his finger and then kisses you. He kisses you!
You gasp as he kisses you softly, gently, sending butterflies in your stomach. You sigh as he runs his hand through your hair and yanks it back exposing your neck. He growls and teases you by leaving tiny pecks on your collarbone.
"Y/n," he whispers. He yanks your hair even more. "I want you to be mine. You destroy me," He says.
You shake your head and pull his hand away from your head. How?"
Hoseok grins at your question. "Let me show you." He kisses you again, and this time you kiss back.

I want to give a huge thanks to everybody who has inspired me to continue writing! You guys are awesome! So what did you think?

101Life_ ❤️

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