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Taehyung's POV

The sound of coins being exchanged in the money machine fill his ears. He looks up from his phone, and notices a beautiful girl walking towards him. She sends him a quick glance and sits next to him. He clears his throat as he is completely aware of how close she is. She smiles his way and then puts her earbuds in. Taehyung stares blankly at her and examines her face. She is beautiful, and he can't help but notice his heart beating faster.
She seems to notice his stare because she looks at him and smiles shyly. Taehyung looks out the window quickly, and the public bus takes off. He tries to keep his mind off of her and onto the city life outside. Come on Taehyung, just think about food.
The bus ride takes a long time because he notices that the girl starts to doze off. He looks at her again and notices the perfect way her lips are pursed. She looks so innocent and pure. He wants to touch her. She almost looks unreal.
He reaches his hand out to stroke her hair, but the bus comes to an abrupt start. He yanks his hand away and uses it to scratch the back of his head, as if nothing happened. The girl wakes up, and is startled. "Oh this is my stop!" She shouts. She gets up quickly from her seat and runs out the bus door.
Taehyung sighs at the fact that the beautiful girl is gone like that, with a snap of the fingers. He looks at her seat where she was sitting only seconds ago and notices something. Something on the ground.
He picks it up and raises his eyes in horror. It's her phone! The bus starts to leave, but he gets up and rushes to the driver.
"Stop! Stop! I have to get off here!" The driver looks scared, but opens the door for him.
Taehyung runs out and looks around the sea of people in search of the beautiful girl. She is nowhere to be seen.
He starts to hyperventilate and runs his hand through his hair in stress. He looks at the phone, and imagines the beautiful owner to whom it belongs to. "Aish!" He exclaims.
He frantically searches for her, until he notices her hair. It whips around in the wind and he runs to her like a maniac.
"Miss!" He yells. Everybody looks at him weirdly, but he doesn't care.
"Miss!" He yells again.
All of the ladies turn around to look at him. Some giggle, while others whisper in each other's ears.
"He's cute."
"Wow look at his hair."
"I love his eyes."
"Aish I just want to kiss his lips."
"Kiss his lips? I want to sit on them!"

Y/n's POV

You frantically run into the coffee shop, and bow down at the lady who is in front already waiting for you impatiently. "You are late," she snaps.
You clench your jaw and exhale quietly. "I am sorry ma'am. I won't be late again."
"Good!" She hisses.
"Go and change into your uniform. We need to serve our customers coffee and tea! Chop chop!" She snaps her fingers at you, and tosses your uniform in your face. You exhale again and go into the bathroom. You try so hard for your blood pressure to not go through the roof. You change into the white blouse that is laced with a bow tie and your black mini skirt. To be honest, the outfit is pretty cute. You just don't like your boss. You reach into the back pocket of your jeans for your phone, but you it's not there.
Your heart quickens as you search frantically through all of your pockets. You find your earbuds, but no phone. You shake your head in fear and search again. Three, four, five times you search and yet you do not find it. Where is it?!

Taehyung's POV
He bends down and takes in big deep breaths. He lost her again, and all the other girls want to take his number. He silently curses under his breath, and decides to settle down. He will never find her. He peers over at a cute little coffee shop and decides to go inside. He mentally hits himself on his head over and over. Why wasn't he fast enough? Why did she have to leave her phone and cause him all this stress?! He opens the door and goes inside.
"Hello! How can I help you today?" A girl asks him. He looks at the menu and chuckles. "I don't know what to get." The girl giggles and looks at the menu. "May I suggest a hot jasmine green tea?"
"Ah Okay." He sits down and studies the phone in his hand.
The girl walks away and into another room.

Y/n's POV
"Y/n! Y/n! Guess what?! There is this really cute guy in our store. You should totally check him out!"
You sigh and grit your teeth. "Shancai, I'm such an idiot! I lost my phone! I probably left it on the bus!"
Shancai gasps in horror. "Oh no. Y/n, what does it look like?"
You shake your head. "It's black, and has designs on it that makes it look like the universe. The galaxies are purple and blue."
Shancai shakes her head and rests her hand on your arm. "I'm sorry. Listen y/n, I'll be right back. I have to give him his tea."
Shancai heats up the water and gets the tea bag. Once the drink is ready she calls for the boy to come. "Sir, your drink is ready."

Taehyung's POV

Taehyung stands up and walks to the counter. He places the girl's phone face down and reaches in his back pocket for his wallet. The girl stares wide eyed at the phone with her mouth gaping.
"Si? Si? Sir?" She stutters. "I'll be right back," she squeaks. She sprints into the other room and drags another girl out.
The girl looks annoyed, but that isn't what catches his attention. It's her! It's the girl!
Immediately the girl notices him, and smiles shyly. "Aren't you from the bus?"
Taehyung swallows and shakes his head. "No, I mean yes, I mean Aish!" He quickly grabs the phone off the counter and holds it out to her with both hands. "Yeah, you dropped this."
The girl's eyes lit up and she takes her precious phone. "Oh thank you thank you thank you so much!" She jumps up and down and squeals excitedly. "Shancai, this is my phone!"
Shancai giggles. "I'm happy for you!"
The girl looks back at Taehyung.
"How did you know this was mine? How did you know I was here?"
Taehyung blushes. "Umm I was looking at you," then he realizes how creepy he sounds.
"No no not like a weirdo," he stutters. "I just noticed your phone, then I ran, and I lost you. But then I came here and here you are." He scratches the back of his head. Why am I an idiot? He thinks to himself.
The girl laughs and looks at her phone. "Well thank you for giving it to me."
There is silence and all Taehyung Can think about is, 'This is it! This is your chance Taehyung!'
Taehyung clears his throat and licks his lips nervously without meaning to.
He hopes the girl doesn't notice.
But it looks like the girl notices. She glances at his lips, but then back at his eyes.
"Is there something you want to say?" She asks.
Taehyung laughs and hands out his phone.
"Can I have your number?"

Hope you guys liked this one, my rays of sunshine 😘 ☀️!!!!
Also I am so excited for BTS's concert this year! Hope you guys saw the trailer for their world tour!

101Life_ ❤️

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