RM pt. 1

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"Come on Linda," you holler.
You take out the leash from your purse and jiggle it so it makes a clacking sound. Linda, your beautiful Australian Shepard runs towards you. You laugh as she jumps up and down, eagerly waiting for you to take her out for a walk. You attach the leash on to her collar and open the front door. Linda drags you out, making you drop your purse on the ground.
"No Linda!" You yell. "Sit!" You command. She obeys. You put her leash on the ground in order to use your two hands to pick up the items that fell out of your purse. Once you put your purse into your house, you come back out. But Linda is missing.
You gasp in horror and immediately run down the street. "Linda!" "Linda!" She is no where to be seen. You beg yourself not to cry. Where could she have gone?!!!
So you do the only logical thing that comes to mind. You call Namjoon, your friend.

"Hello?" You year a voice and squeal in relief.
"Namjoon! I need a favor! Linda went missing!"
"Linda! My dog!"
"What?!! Linda is gone?"
"Yes Listen! I need help! Please make wanted posters. I need to find Linda! I love her. Please Namjoon help me!!!"
"Okay. I'll make your posters." With that he hangs up the phone and you sigh. Why did you let go of the leash? You're so dumb...
You hit your head, and walk up and down every street you walk to. You even knock on some doors and ask if anybody has seen an Australian Shepard. They all say no. Dejected you keep on searching for her, and calling her name.
Then your phone buzzes.
"Y/n, I have your posters. They are on your front door step. I am currently putting up some now as we speak."
"Thank you so much Namjoon. I owe you."
Namjoon stays silent for a long time before saying, "No problem." He hangs up the phone and you run to your house finding the posters on your doorstep just like Namjoon said. You grab a stapler from your house and staple every single poster on the most trees that you can find. Not just trees, but wooden poles, bushes, wooden benches, and even metal poles.
"Linda!" You shout, but there is no answer. Only silence as the wind carries your meaningless voice away.

Wow... it has been so long. I am so happy I have updated. No worries. I will post part two to this story. I hope it was good... and I hope all of you have a beautiful day!

101Life_ ❤️

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